
  1. grOOvy

    Mizuho sig, Hippo needs help!

    I was browsing around for a new wallpaper today and found this ACE scan of one of my favourite anime characters and decided that I really want Mizuho Kazmi on my signature. I tried fiddling on photoshop but art has never been my strong point, here's what I came up with: So I am really...
  2. Tsunami

    TEH HIPPO!!!!!!!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA HAH AH HAHAH HA HAHHH AH H..........................*gasps* HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHhaahAHHAHahAHAHa http://www.stud.ntnu.no/home/alexann/
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