
  1. Spunky

    Bush = Most Hated President Ever

    Source: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/05/01/bush.poll/index.html
  2. I

    Favorite & Most Hated Anime Titles

    Basically what the title says, what are your favorite and most hated anime games? Explanations can be appreciated though I'm not asking for them. I haven't played all that many but I think some others played more than I have. My only personal favorites would have to be: Narutimatte Hero 3...
  3. H

    Favorite & Most Hated Anime Titles

    Basically what the title says, what are your favorite and most hated anime games? Explanations can be appreciated though I'm not asking for them. I haven't played all that many but I think some others played more than I have. My only personal favorites would have to be: Narutimatte Hero 3...
  4. The Noodler

    ff8 pic i drew

    i drew a pic of selphie play a guitar ( bad spelling O_O ) anyways i hope its good, i got the ref pic from a ff8 manga i have. Critz plz :)
  5. C

    no wonder i hated melee so much

    i was always trying to melee i did all thing i cloudent do a puchn so i keep getting punches and can't do a thing about later on i was on a site i wanted to save the background and MY RIGH CLICK WASEN'T WORKING i was like IT WAS THAT ALL ALONG !! well all i need now is a new mouse and am ready...
  6. Eider

    female model

    Hello y'all, I was just wondering if sbd has a female model with animations which I can (re)skin with photoshop, i'll give u credit when i release it :p u can send it to [email protected] or [email protected]. PS: this is a request sorreh bout that, but I finish the skin, I ll post it...
  7. E

    Tester's favorite maps

    Just wondering what are the tester's favorite maps for beta 1 so far? You can describe it if you want, but the name would be fine. The favorites will be the first maps I try when the beta comes out.
  8. J

    my sig

    hi im new what do you think of my sig? :yes: ? or :no: ? :p
  9. Kuyuaga

    Whats ur most hated game

    mine has to be super monkey ball on the GC it sucks soooo much, don't ask why i hate it, i find it boring and easy. What games would you say are the worst you have played??
  10. N

    Hey, I got a question

    Is it possible for someone to make a mesh and save it so stupid people like me don't have to try and make one? I'd like to try my hand in skinning cuz im fairly gud with 2d GFX, but I'm having a ***** of a time mapping out the skin :(
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