My brother showed me this Fullmetal Alchemist spoof on deviantart which pokes fun on AIM conversations, pretty funny =D
Despite the score, I don't think it looks too bad. Transmuting the environment looks interesting, and it looks a lot like DBZ: Saga's but for FMA. Has anyone got this yet? Thoughts?
Well, another great series ended. While I felt the ending was a bit rushed, it was awesome and leaves you desperately waiting for the movie. What did everyone else think of it (if you've seen it)?
For the PS2. The cel-shading looks brilliant. Will probably come out in the US in a year and a half or so... after the first one.
Hey everyone . Does anyone know how many episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist are released so far ? says 52, But I don't beleve that . Anyone here seen more then episode 1-22 ?
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