
  1. micfiygd


    whats the point of the friendship wish?
  2. C

    What's "friendship" for~?

    When I going to get wish,I found that there are three wishes...... frist is "Imp.....",the second is "strengh",the third is "friendship"........ I want to know whats "friendship" for? Is it for HP???, Ki?????, Speed?????, Power????
  3. C

    Wishing Friendship???

    What is wishing Friendship good for???
  4. Vegeta_Master


    You know on the menu u get when you summon the dragon, well what does the friendship button do cos i pressed it and the dragon dissapperd but nothing happend,is it a bug in my esf or does it do it to everyone.
  5. I

    FRIENDLY Dragon? (Wish 4 friendship)

    ok, so I have somound the dragon, then I wish for friendship. nothing happens...what is this suppose 2 do? I have all so seen that there is a wish limit in the advanced options of the game. this seems 2 b related as wishing 4 friendship grants another wish. right so in other words... you have...
  6. M


    whats the deal with the friendship dealy when you make a wish does anyone have any idea what it does...?;/
  7. O

    Friendship wish

    What does the wish "friendship" do. I mean, i know that it gives you an extra wishing point, but i can't figure out what a wishing point does.... Any info?:p
  8. S

    friendship for a wish?

    what does the friendship wish do? i tried it and nothing happened could someone tell me what it does plz
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