
  1. M

    Freestyle Street Basketball

    Source: Anyone try this game out yet? I'm downloading it now but I want to see if anyone else played it.
  2. Ravendust

    Freestyle Rap Battle!

    Ok, here's how it's gowin' dahhn in da hood, someone (me to begin with) will write out a line of lyrics in rap form and the next person to post has to write out their own line which has some relavance to the post above. They then leave a line and write out their own line, and the person after...
  3. Synth

    DBZ Freestyle

    bar 1 inimate apocalype of the earth goku on the spot, to show what hes worth been training all his life, dismiss all threats to dust kamehamaha slices threw many enemies like a knife yet u can trust him, soft-hearted idiot never expected vegeta to crush him, final flash thrusting with...
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