
  1. M

    dragon ball z budoukai 3 news

    ---NEWS BUDOKAI 3 After a semi-disappointment gotten by Budokai2 compared to the many points that j'ai developed in my part "test". Thus d'après of the sources rather sure, Budokai3 will leave it: October 22, 2004 on PS2. All d'abord, l error of the "history mode" was rectified and it will...
  2. X

    -- Dragon Ball Z Budoukai -- Read

    In a few Minutes my friend CCF is goinna create a Budoukai. 8 People. The Server IP is We might be running the maps esf_1on1 and s2k_tournament. I dont know where to download the esf_1on1 seeing as how CCF sent it to me. The Rules are. esf_1on1 - 2 People in the...
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