
  1. xstortionist

    Meet Apollyon!!!!!!! My Custom Character.

    I'm finally done with my character...I written a biography about him...read it!!!!!!!!! http://www.angelfire.com/ms2/ssjdomain/wip2.jpg Story of Apollyon: Legend or Myth? Apollyon, a tortured and banished being from the planet Shogon. The story starts off as being 2 tribes fighting...
  2. xstortionist

    Meet Apollyon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm finally done with my character...I written a biography about him...read it!!!!!!!!! http://www.angelfire.com/ms2/ssjdomain/wip2.jpg Story of Apollyon: Legend or Myth? Apollyon, a tortured and banished being from the planet Shogon. The story starts off as being 2 tribes fighting...
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