1. Sicron

    Prey dating 1998

    http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/2006/07/24/this-news-is-so-old-prey-video-circa-1998/ I just found this, it's a movie of the game Prey dating from the year 1998. I'm amazed what they were capable of with those computers. It also shows the concept of the portals similair to the new game Portals. If...
  2. Yui Sakura

    Compiling error help

    ************ ERROR ************ Token too large on line 5 ** Executing... ** Command: C:\HAMMER~1\qbsp2.exe ** Parameters: "C:\maps\first" qbsp2.exe v2.2 (Dec 28 1998) ---- qbsp2 ---- ************ ERROR ************ nummarkfaces == MAX_LEAF_FACES ** Executing... ** Command...
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