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  1. K

    Melee suggestions

    ssj4goku58.... you spelt "Morpheus" wrong
  2. K

    Vegeta SSJ2

    yeah i've noticed that... i joined a game where everyone else was in the 10 millions... my blasts wouldn't even register.
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    renzokou cool-down

    sounds good...
  4. K

    renzokou cool-down

    how about he just shoots the blasts faster than anyone else... maybe make his kiblob bigger.. and his cooldown will be he has to recharge his ki cause it'll drain a lot of it.
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    Super Moves

    how about for goku... cause kami is already awesome he goes kaoken for a short while where his melee damage skyrockets... and trunks can use his finishing buster as a concentrated beam (the one against cell when he killed him) once and it'll do more damage than the ball he would normally use...
  6. K

    Vegeta SSJ2

    none of the sayians need 3 transformations except goku... goku is the strongest sayian so a third trans should be exclusive to him... the team can find other ways to balance the sayians w/out giving transformation fillers that aren't necessary... krillin is finished...
  7. K

    unfair experts

    I love coasting... i do it a bit too much so i get into the habbit of canceling the fly button after i hit someone in a swoop... sometimes they hit me and i hit the fly button anyway and it stops me and damages me even more as if i had hit terrain when i could've just trailed off for a while...
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