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  1. D

    dudes listen up

    seriously I can't spell English but nvm, esf team this is not to flame you but i really dont give a **** about your rank on moddb.. i just want 1.3 to be out so is it so hard to post this **** every week cause its taking years !!! (btw. tnx what ur doing the game is pretty fun.. keep up good work)
  2. D

    Omfg esf Staff look here

    Watsup homies, i'm playin esf now since 5 years or somthing and now i must ask because i always like getting a good point to look out to in the future so have somthing to long for... when are u predicting wil come 1.3 out just take a wild guess and plzzz dont say "when its out now stop asking...
  3. D

    How many people still play 1.2

    I personnaly thought it rocked hard for a month but afther that, its soooo boring. Its like call of duty ore medal of honor afther finishing the game and playing on internet for a week it starts to boor like hell... (ps. bf1942 and cs rox there gameplay is some how ownage ;) )
  4. D

    How many people still play 1.2

    How many people still play 1.2 cause it gets bored afther a while :scared: (ps. gameplay could be a little better, like running citizens you can shoot ore bigger lvls anyway you decide) Grtz. DeMoN
  5. D

    Masenko? Is there ANY purpose for it?

  6. D

    A Little Good News, a Little Bad

    dudes the hair is to pink but for the rest it kicks ass
  7. D


    WOESAAA! trunks powns harddd with his sword not any char can beat him up with melee :D :D
  8. D

    Need CLAN!!!

    tnx dude, and i'm sorry for posting the combos mp it wont happen again..
  9. D

    dudes i'm sorry

    look guys i'm very sorry for posting the combo's it wont happen again..
  10. D

    Run speed

    are you sure cell day is smaller?? i would look it over again
  11. D

    Need CLAN!!!

    hi i need a clan!!!! Challenge me if you want and see if i'm cabable for you clan. see my msn at the post
  12. D

    Combo's combonation

    there you go ;)
  13. D

    Should there be a woman character in ESF?

    YEEAH COOL lets make a hentai hot chick with barly no cloths on hmmmmm only the thoughts about it :P :P :P
  14. D

    Combo's combonation

    WTF are you guys talking about if someone want to figure them out thereself they just dont have to read this thread, simple as that........... :S :S :S
  15. D

    Combo's combonation

    sorry dude but i was sick off it that n00bs ask like ahhh what are are the combos, how do you do them, wtf are you doing, stop cheating enz.....
  16. D

    Combo's combonation

    1: Sorry I was late 2: But I'm here now Succes with practicing!!! :D I don't think we needed these just expressed publicly. Most people know them already, but even so, out of good taste I can't leave this like this. Sorry. Oh, and also warned :warning: ~Boyster
  17. D

    Weird Dragon Balls

    mystic uub you n00b there are certanly db in this patch only the team only released 1 map for it esf_riverside. but afther 2 wishes 1 db disappear in the ground. So my sugestion is to make a map pack off all the official esf maps ever released (so i mean the maps that were made by the team...
  18. D

    MISSING BETA 1.2 things

    I've noticed a few things, where are the swooping sprites like when you swoop near the ground there should be sand that would be blown to the sides of your swooping action (same as over the water) but there arn't none. and WHERE is adult gohan..........???????????? O_O
  19. D

    Steam or Won???

    I had steam with cs 1.6 but afther a while it said somthing like downloading somthing for cs and than it crashes... so now i downloaded it again and forgot my last account name and password cause it was like 2 years ago. And now i cant go on steam cause my cd key is already in use by my last...
  20. D

    More updates plzzz.

    more updates plzz, its a bit long waiting since 2004....
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