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  1. P

    I suck...

    Select Vertices and move them in your side view so that it won't be a straight line in that view. But fix the backfaces first(black crap), select the faces and go to Vertex ---> Reverse Poly Order I think..
  2. P

    I suck...

    Select Vertices and move them in your side view so that it won't be a straight line in that view. But fix the backfaces first(black crap), select the faces and go to Vertex ---> Reverse Poly Order I think..
  3. P

    Stuck On Map Gero, Thrown into water stuck

    i just did it, it might be completely random or its just like that
  4. P

    Stuck On Map Gero, Thrown into water stuck

    yeah but when i do that, they just go right through.
  5. P

    Stuck On Map Gero, Thrown into water stuck

    how does the first one work?
  6. P

    Stuck On Map Gero, Thrown into water stuck

    I searched for these things i noticed, so please dont yell at me if its been said before I threw my friend into the water and he got stuck like this on the surface of the water and i had to kick him out on map gero And heres me stuck also on map gero somehow.
  7. P

    [WIP] FFVII Buster Sword

    man thats gonna take a while, lol ill try
  8. P

    [WIP] FFVII Buster Sword

    thanks do you have any suggestions on how to do that?
  9. P

    [WIP] FFVII Buster Sword

    Still in modeling stages, need to skin and add holes. crits? i couldnt really find any good refs. and im not even sure if its the right shape edit: its too thick
  10. P

    some of the esf 1.2 models wer not realesed

    thats separate, not part of esf read esf-world... you read it wrong it meant that after 1.2 is out and animations are available it will be made for 1.2 as a custom model.
  11. P

    Kid Trunks WIP

    ewww im traumatized.
  12. P

    Kid Trunks WIP

    i dont mean to revive dead threads but theres porn throughout this thread
  13. P

    My old trunks skin, COMPLETELY REDONE!

    not to sound stupid or anything but is his vest supposed to be blue?
  14. P

    My skined Vegeta pack...

    credits? the ssj4 is uhh i think brollmans?
  15. P

    Sasuke model

    thanks ^_^
  16. P

    Sasuke model

    could you post the ms3d i wanna practice skinning ^_^
  17. P

    new model

    and the hairs wrong lol you shouldnt of left that ref pic there
  18. P

    new model

    but black is important my family is black you better put black!
  19. P

    new model

    for the majin the eyes are lil more black on the sides
  20. P

    Kunai: First Model WIP

    dood im not associated with any naruto mod but my aim is: Pokekil ran d: RanDmodeler i just posted it here since im lagging like hell and i cant post it thanks im skinning it but the skinmaps are wrong the triangles are stretched and if i scale it still wont be unstretched enough...
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