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  1. D

    What do you do for a living?

    Internet marketing! ^^ "Davy"
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    Deadman Wonderland

    They aren't planning on a second season, the animation was kinda part of advertising the manga. Correct me if i'm wrong ;)
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    Can we play Final please?

    LOL - That's me! xD
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    Can we play Final please?

    We all want to play the new ESF ^^ But look at other mods, there are plenty of mods out there that also took years to develop. In the meanwhile, Go play some other new DBZ Games! Like: Dragon Ball Z For Kinect.. <= I just got a copy of this and it's super... bad... (don't play it please) PS...
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    No Talent? No Money? Want Force Pit Access? [READ!!]

    i vote for Hamppu Hamppu Hamppu is the man go and get some pie for him.
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    Gohan - Back and ass kickin' model ;D

    Nice model dude :) realy nice cant waitr for this release .. keep it up !
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    - = * 009's Movie Team ! ^^ * = -

    Okey ppl !! We uploaded our Forum ! go and register youself at
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    DBA team need...

    The DBA teams needs team members!! That work !!! So this is what we need: -Spriters -Animators -Mappers -Skinners If you know someone or yourself that can do that like hell !!! Well here my e mail : No Recruiting!
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    a few animations made by myself - is always fun to find about new stuff

    Wooot !! its so cool the kiblast i like the msot keep it up !
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    My team [ SSJ4 ADDON asking modeler!]

    Whahahahahha ENCORE_SX XD you chicken xd okey make a omega for me XD
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    My team [ SSJ4 ADDON asking modeler!]

    ok but dont say it here this is esf forumnot ssj4forum or tell me or msn but i dont want a ban here so dont talk about it here. [ ON topic]: so who wants to help us ?
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    My team [ SSJ4 ADDON asking modeler!]

    it is to but we need more than one
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    My team [ SSJ4 ADDON asking modeler!]

    we still really need is a modeler which could make for us a cool gogeta(ssj4/ssj),a fatgogeta,gotenks(all stages),goten-trunks(chibi) and gokollo Do someone wanna help us ? :laff: -Greetz Davy
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    Shadershi spritepack

    okey questions then 1. what programm is the best to use? 2. if i make my sprite with photoshop and i going to export it to .BSP with 256 colours then i lose all my coulours so how do it without loosing colours ? :warning: -ssj2gohan
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    Shadershi spritepack

    What then ? AIM,Scype ?
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    Shadershi spritepack

    So can i have your MSN or just look in your pm's :]
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    Shadershi spritepack

    Nice jope man oh yeah can i have your msn addres cuz i need someine that can help me to sprite :laff:
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    ssj3 goku

    hmm nice realy nice but were can i download him?
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    can somone help me with make a gif movie?

    just post how do you use it thx or chat with me i am all the time online my e-mial [email protected]
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    can somone help me with make a gif movie?

    i understant that you first need photoshop but how did you use it ?? plz somone help me
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