Search results

  1. C

    Harry Potter or a 12 Gauge Shotgun

    swordchucks, yo.
  2. C

    beta 1.2 outline!!!

    Its a trick! Joe's trying to trick us! Get him!
  3. C

    Ragnarok going P2P

    we are the beta testers O_o and gravity just plain sucks. I mean really, a lot. They give horrible lag, almost no features compared to kRO, then ask for money. I'd rather play everquest. Or, as thecase may be, on a private server, which I am.
  4. C

    Bee on String.

    its a stunt if you hold the string while the bee flies around. the thing can sting you.
  5. C

    Ragnarok fun

    Its free if you do the smart thing and play on a private server. muahaha death to gravity and the corporation! run free my brethren!
  6. C


    8bit's sig was thebest >_< how could you make him make it smaller. And as for kawaii, I WISH people did not know what it meant. GOd I hate that word >_< Actually what I hate is 'wannabe japenese' people, who know like three words and abuse them extremely, but thats a whole nother topic. I...
  7. C

    Cute Avatars

    eviltrun's is. my god I can't stop staring at her >_< argh.. must have...
  8. C

    1.1 is amazing

    I think all the positive posters were busy playing :P hence the negative nancies (omg, yes, I did just say that) are getting the most posts in.
  9. C

    1.1 is 1.0 ><

    the patch ain't workin for me. its teh suck. It feezes at looking for peviously installed components
  10. C

    New news on the live action movie

    didn't you hear? pee wee herman is playing goku! :P
  11. C

    Your RO Stats?

    .5 - 1% is huge, especially lin later levels. Man, if you're this ipatient now... :P
  12. C

    100% Canadian!!!!

    bit off topic, but anyone here listen to the arrogant worms?
  13. C

    How do you see people?

    I picture Hsu as an evil lizard ninja. Don't ask why. majin_you as death, blade as one of em knives from RO, and countless others as lowly mooks. Edit By Hsu "Lizard Queen"
  14. C

    *Sigh* Bots on the forum

    I think he may mean a forium bot, or something about search engines. elaboration would help. or he could be a crooked insurance salesman making people donwload a bunch of spyware/bots O_o
  15. C

    Your RO Stats?

    You haven't heard bout em? Yeah, they're basically kro, but with very few people. Less than 100. Little lag, usually higher exp/drop rates. very fun. Search for em on google, might find one ye like.
  16. C

    Your RO Stats?

    I'm playing on a private server. I'm still a novie, along 9/8 or something. high exp rate, so I'm leveling fast. 'so much better than gravity ro.
  17. C

    Ki pictures, fake or real?

    I never said that. Hell, I dunno if I even believe in physics. If I throw myself at the ground and miss, will I fly? Well, so far my efforts did not prove productive, but I'll keep on trying if it kills me, and according to my physician, that will be in about 2-3 days. No, I don't think...
  18. C

    Ki pictures, fake or real?

    SOunds likea gimmick, really :/ telling one what he wants to hear or something like that. I think I'd have to see it or something. See meaning see it used.
  19. C

    Ki pictures, fake or real?

    I just believe everything has a physical reason. Perhaps ki is something to the effect of using the body's electricity, but I still won't believe it til I see it. And lord killmore, don't you tink your master could have got some static in him? Isn't that possible? Just saying. I don't...
  20. C

    Best Blonde Joke EVER!

    I added a link to this on another forum I frequent :P
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