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  1. S

    Super Speed

    maybe u could do the same thing like bfp. where u double tap and u teleport a bit, cause i think its ****ed pressing a button first and then u can move like that , i dont like that. (i'm n00b ....)
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    melee's sec. fire

    well i remember goku had some sort of ''Finger'' attack. remember when goke meated trunks for the first time. trunks went ssj and goku went ssj also, well trunks grabbed his sword and goku powerd up his finger. and *kling *kland bla bla bla ..... but goku's finger could be used to dodge...
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    Sense Pl

    u could add a sense comand so u can sense ur enemies by pressing a button and then the will be an arrow or something or the character could light up only in ur screen. and the colors could be different ,colors that indicate the power of the enemie. like orange color is prettty strong and...
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    Frieza from 1

    what if frieza form 1 was in that flying thingy like in the cartoon. that would just be cool. and maybe u guys can ad so he can jump out. and then when hes in that flyin thing he moves slower brt has a betta defence orsomethin. and whithout that thing he moves faster and less defence...
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    I wanna be a modeler 2

    i got milkshape but it keeps [Bad WORD] up. its missin some file. so i downloaded the file at milkshape. i can use it now but it still askin for the file every 5 mins. i have 2 replace the [BAD WORD AGAIN] file every 5 mins. so anybody know an ohter good model proggie for HL
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    I wanna be a modeler 2

    oh sorry better change my signature
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    I wanna be a modeler 2

    well maybe sounds stupid. but i want 2 be a modeler 2. but i dont ****in understand ****. what do u all need 2 be a modeler. just post some **** here thnx peace.
  8. S

    how you make a sig?

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