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  1. Mugito

    ESF release?

    32 slots are fine, this mod's community is kind of dead already
  2. Mugito

    Searching for server

    there is a youtube channel called deepvybes, there you will find some nice servers
  3. Mugito

    Why there is someone deleting my threads, i don't understand!

    ok, sorry, i wasn't warned about this
  4. Mugito

    Why there is someone deleting my threads, i don't understand!

    i forgot the "?" in my sentence, sorry
  5. Mugito


    acctualy no, you haven't, just use mega link downloader, ultra surf and your good to go. There are lots of videos on youtube teaching you how to do this
  6. Mugito

    ESF Open Beta Final

    man, hud isn't really needed take the matias' rcx, some mods and go get fun
  7. Mugito


    but there is a official page,
  8. Mugito

    Image Gohan vs Goku in Rosat (25-05-2020)

    Amazing! Im feeling that this game will get done faster than i thought
  9. Mugito

    video Ki blast comparison

    this ki blast effect is prety cool, i hope this game get done fast, i pretend to play this in 2021
  10. Mugito

    video A Kamehameha and Final Flash struggle w/ both PoV

    Looks nice, keep the good working
  11. Mugito

    Esf to 1.6 skin

    if you end your project give us the download link, looks like a cool mod.
  12. Mugito

    Open Beta Final 2 (Bots Fixed)

    sorry man i dont know what did u do, u need to uninstall your old esf 1.2.3 and install this in your steam half-life folder then execute "earth's special forces" game on your library, if your game is no-steam this "patch" won't work i don´t support piracy
  13. Mugito

    Open Beta Final 2 (Bots Fixed)

    some levels are not working in some computers, but you can go to namek_islands, cell_games, and some sk2 levels, load heavy levels will make your game crash
  14. Mugito

    Open Beta Final 2 (Bots Fixed)

    the moddification that i made is another game, u need to cut and paste your esf 1.2.3 in other folder and instal the exe in the link
  15. Mugito

    Open Beta Final 2 (Bots Fixed)

    uninstal your old beta and launch this in esf 1.2.3 shortcut
  16. Mugito

    Forum can't found my Half-Life

    It worked, thanks (sorry about my english, im brazilian)
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