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  1. B

    Suggestions to Modelers/Skinners

    To those ppl out there either re-skinning krillin/piccolo or doing a Mystic Gohan I suggest one thing. For their powered up form make Krillin get all battle dmged because I think it looks werid that he changes costume. Piccolo would be cool to start out with his cape/turban but take them off...
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    I got the update for HL: CS and now the console doesnt open for either reg CS or ESF. I dunno if this was already asked but how do I get the console to come back up during game play?
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    Bot Bug

    Certain Bot's well crash the game, it is when you get near them to attack and you can start to make out a little detail on them and the whole game shuts down. I just tested it out and it crashed for the bot named Gotenks. Buu bot did work fine, but I have no clue as to what makes the certain...
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