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  1. X


    Ich bin für Deutschen traurig, aber mein Englisch ist schrecklich. Das "client.dll" oder was sagt es überhaupt wenn falsche Version? Hilfe? Englisches trauriges des kranken Versuchs. Ermm... I need client.dll..
  2. X


    Where can I get bots, I feel like beating something up. I get "pwned" in the other servers. :S
  3. X


    When i load a reference in mikshape the picture wont go in the middle to where i need it. It is usualy the bottom half on the bottom of the skeleton and the top half where the legs should be
  4. X

    omg it takes forever

    when i fitler and press update it goes through 31,239 servers O_O and i get to sit on my couch for like an hour to wait O_O
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