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  1. R

    Hmm... odd bug(s)

    Sometimes when you stand really near someone who's firing a beam, and dying while blocking or not blocking, your PL and KI 'boost' gets reset. That's no. 1, but wait! There's more! When you get a really high powerlevel, around 3,5-4 mil, and start to dabble with some sort of attack or block, it...
  2. R

    New Charaters Poll

    The mod simply needs more evil characters.... I dunno what the heck side Vegita is supposed to be on (never really liked him, he's so meeaaan!), but just having Buu, Cell and Frieza is kinda boring.... ///Razz "Wonder if you can teach a cow to beat Goku.... *think :S think*"
  3. R

    Which bot??

    I'm pretty sure you can use some sort of bot in ESF, (not Akimbot, appearently) but which one?? And where to download?? ///Razz "Kaaaameee.... Haaaameeeee...... och look, a quarter!"
  4. R

    Still have a problem!!

    I finally got it to work... I got both happie and sad... sad since you couldn't 'move' while doing a Kame-Hame-Ha, as you could without fmod.dll and client.dll ... but the beams and stuff were really really cool!! ///Razz "What if a cow knew Kame-Hame-Ha......!!!"
  5. R

    Still have a problem!!

    Remembered another thingy.. I couldn't understand the PL-indicator... is that supposed to be screwie, or is it something wrong with some dll here to? ///Razz "But mother, I saw it! I saw the cow eat uncle Carl!"
  6. R

    Still have a problem!!

    I still have problems fixing the client.dll - ***t. Right now I play with the original Half-Life client.dll, but I don't think that you're supposed to have to choose "Random" everytime, and kill yourself until you become the character ya wanna be.... :cry: I know that someone posted a fix or...
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