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  1. Barney

    My New Siggeh

    First time I opened up photoshop in a long time. Just playing with some colors and masks and stuff. Also it's cut off for some reason. Too big?
  2. Barney

    America's Army: Proving Grounds Beta released So apparently there's a new America's Army game out. I don't know if anyone used to play the old one, or AA3, but I used to love playing the original America's Army. I've got it downloaded and I'm about to try it out, so if anyone wants to play hit me...
  3. Barney

    Blacklight: Retribution

    There's probably been another thread about this game, but I just wanted to know if any of you guys play this. I think it's a great F2P, it looks nice graphically and you don't really need to shell out money to play 2 win. I haven't really played it since the expansion/updates have come out, but...
  4. Barney

    Windows 7 Home Premium vs. Professional

    I never quite understood the differences between the "Home" version of Windows and the "Professional" version of Windows and why the "Professional" version is 40 bucks more expensive. Can anyone shed some light on this? Edit: Just notice that, on Newegg at least, the Windows 7 versions are the...
  5. Barney

    Anyone remember?

    Hey guys does anyone remember a top down RPG, DBZ-like game that was made with rpgmaker or something like that? I remember you could choose a race (human, changeling, android, sayainm etc.) and train your character with weights and gravity, but dont remember what it was called. I also remember...
  6. Barney

    Windows: Which version do you use?

    So I imagine most people haven't made the switch to Windows 8, but I wanted to see who uses what. I have a laptop with XP on it still and it's great, although I am very fond of W7. The reason I want to know is I'm thinking about possibly building a rig and wanted to get suggestions for which...
  7. Barney


    Hey everybody. It's been a long, long time since I've posted, I'm sure some people will remember me, but just wanted to drop in and say hi. I just got out of the Israeli army after a year and a half and have more free time now for some extra-curricular forum activities. Plus I saw all the new...
  8. Barney

    Happy birthday to me?

    Twas my birthday yesterday and I got to see Soulfly, Korn, and Ozzy. So **** you guys.
  9. Barney


    So It's been awhile since I posted here due to having a lackluster internet connection, and not being able to use my laptop. So anyways, I've just recently moved to Israel and finished brushing up my Hebrew speaking skillz and have some free time until I start an army preparation thing and...
  10. Barney

    You better watch your ass Deco...

    ...I'm moving to Israel in 7 days. :smile:
  11. Barney

    The Pacific

    Kind of surprised no one has made a thread on this yet. For those of you who don't know what it is, it's an HBO mini-series produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks and tells the tale of the 1st marine division battling in the pacific against the Japanese during WWII. It's similar to Band...
  12. Barney


    3. 14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 58209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 82148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128 48111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196 44288109756659334461284756482337867831652712019091...
  13. Barney

    Steam is coming to Macs!!! I just jizzed in my pants 5 times.
  14. Barney

    A leetle ActionScript help

    Hopefully someone will know how to do this. Anyways, I'm making a 2-d platform-type game for a senior project and I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to do one thing. So I have a movie clip set up with all my animations (separate movie clips) in it for my character and what I want to...
  15. Barney

    Just look at it

    That is my brain. That is what I'm feeling. In the most simple terms.
  16. Barney


    And why they are awesome. They make you feel. They make you create. They make you watch the world. They make you experience new things. They make you feel like you want to do things with your life, but don't want to do anything at the same time. The thieves are taking care of...
  17. Barney

    Turkey Day

    Well it's come to that time of year again where us Americans get to pig out, watch football and possibly kill some people on the land we've conquered. What are your Thanksgiving plans? As for myself, my parents and I are going to have a nice dinner at a family friend's house and then I'm...
  18. Barney

    Senior Thesis

    Hey guys, so I'm doing a senior thesis paper/presentation on how games are being adapted into movie and movies are being adapted into games. I have a short survey that I made, and if you guys could take a second (it's only 6 questions) it would be greatly appreciated...
  19. Barney

    So I was watching the old X-Men cartoon...

    And realized something. Gambit's got a pentagram on his outfit. How badass.
  20. Barney

    Dinosaurs on the brain

    I often find myself thinking the same things.
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