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  1. S

    Melee and Beams

    yes.......blowing up people is fun!!!!! gen beams are good i like mouth blast spamming!
  2. S

    Melee and Beams

    Ok, Im sorry
  3. S

    Melee and Beams

    Finishing Buster sucks ;p
  4. S

    Melee and Beams

    So, which beam would you say is the best out of: Mouth Blast, Kamehameha, Gallick Gun, Maskeno, Special Beam Cannon or Finshing Buster. I think Mouth Blast is the best.
  5. S

    Melee and Beams

    Ok, thanks. Its cool when you do it, they get chopped up.
  6. S

    Melee and Beams

    Hi people I have a question about Trunks's melee. I've only done this once, but this is what happend. I killed a bot with melee and it said "Sword Kill", I was wondering how do I do that again?
  7. S

    Hideen Melee Combos

    Sup yall Do yall know any hidden combos. i know one. its up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start Don't post the combos on the forums, ok? AGainst the rules and all that. ~ Karrde
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