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  1. E

    PL Saving

    first of al you're clearly not paying attention :) what i meant with the war3 example is that pl saving doesn't have to be considered lame/cheating as long as it stays within a well administered server... second... the 5,000,000 for goku is his pl in untransformed state... try to change form...
  2. E


    Kijk nog wel even na of hij echt een videokaart heeft, dat kan het probleem zijn, en wees er even zeker van dat hij die kaart mét de nieuwste drivers goed heeft geinstalleerd, drivers voor de geforce kaarten kun je van nvidia's website afhalen. 'k hoop dat je der wat aan hebt ^_^ het updaten...
  3. E


    I've got a 600mhz processor, 256mb ram, and a geforce4 video card, I can play the game without slowdown... so i think his system isn't a problem
  4. E

    PL Saving

    That's what i meant to explain with the war3 (Counter-Strike) example. and about the controling of pl, is that a client or server based thing? i'd like to know more about it, because i have a lan coming next week. And if possible i would like everyone's pl start at a fairly high level (i'm...
  5. E

    PL Saving

    So you're considering the XP save system in Counter-Strike's WAR3 plugin cheating too? When you leave the server, you just type /savexp and your exp.points are saved... (any client can do so) Why would that be cheating/admin abuse, and why is it not possible with esf...
  6. E

    PL Saving

    Is it possible to save your PL to some file... I mean it takes hours to get Goku (5 million) to his perfect transform level... I reached it once.... But if you have to start all over again every time you play.... Aww well I hope you get the point... Is there some kind of PL saving system?
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