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  1. F

    BETTER "Sliced Models" ANIMATIONS!!!

    When they get cut in half ....They plonk FASTLY To a random direction and the fall smoothly,in the cartoon they pause for a second and slowly slide apart and fall slowly or normally..It feels like they skip a frame when they do now..Take that episode when Trunks cut Frieza a thousand time fold...
  2. F

    Advanced blocking!Dum dum dum.....!

    Ok heres how it works if your in melee it will apply.. ok now when a normal beam not weak bout blockable comes your way and you block ,once the struggle is in your favor you walk forward or fly forward pushing the beam with you.. and when you get to the victim ...WAM!Or you can fly fast doing...
  3. F

    Pre powering up Generic ball or beams

    OKay another idea... IN the series they can fire beams instantly so how about Pre powering up the GENERICBEAM or BALL only those and you can do other stuff while itsready like thow em and while they r flying you release it but the energy is blurry and just distorts the hand a bit so it wont...
  4. F

    Hide your powerlevel and transforming perfectly

    -Being able to hide your powerlevel -A different button for tranforming perfectly..I like transforming for long
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