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  1. EviLCHiMP

    RIP Deman

    Oh my god, I am so sorry to hear this. He was such a good guy and had a heart of gold. I used to joke with him for hours on end and he was always such a good sport about everything. Rest in peace brother, you'll always have the love of many.
  2. EviLCHiMP

    DBZ effect on humans

    Mwuahahahahaha >:)
  3. EviLCHiMP

    DBZ effect on humans

    Silly black guy, you're not a super saiyan, you're a popo.
  4. EviLCHiMP

    @Mosque at Ground Zero thread

  5. EviLCHiMP

    @Mosque at Ground Zero thread

    I'm going to put myself into you so hard you're going to wish you were a mosque. I want to make love to you on the front steps of this new mosque.
  6. EviLCHiMP

    Naruto of the Week[Spoilers Allowed]

    Naruto will grip onto Sasuke and have Kakashi kill him instead ^_^
  7. EviLCHiMP

    Random Terrain

  8. EviLCHiMP

    For a bit of fun and to practice my texturing.....

    Looks silky smooth
  9. EviLCHiMP


  10. EviLCHiMP

    Random Terrain

    Very nice, I c wut u did thar! noice noice!
  11. EviLCHiMP

    Ichigo's New Form? (bleach spoilers)

    That's not nice to say! Seriously I was just stating an obvious fact that we all are aware of even yourself and you respond telling me to die? You break my heart. Your post is being reported, I am only trying to keep the peace as I am a lover and not a fighter.
  12. EviLCHiMP

    Ichigo's New Form? (bleach spoilers)

    Boogyboy is a threat to the ESF community. Him to ESF is like 2012 to all of us. We are aware of his impending doom upon us! WARN HIM! THE BIBLE COMMANDS IT!
  13. EviLCHiMP

    YO DUDE WHATS UP!!!!!!!!!!!

    YO DUDE WHATS UP!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. EviLCHiMP

    Top 5 most beautifull women you know..

    The only woman that is my one and only! Jessica Alba Sooo dreamy....sighhh
  15. EviLCHiMP

    Senior Member

    I've been around for almost a decade so yeah I think I am fairly sure. Also, next time please ask my permission before using my banner as your sig.
  16. EviLCHiMP

    Any new updates?

    There is an update so massive on the way that it's so massive that it's MASSIVE!
  17. EviLCHiMP

    Senior Member

    I think it's 200, not too sure. Or if you've been around for more than 4 years.
  18. EviLCHiMP

    Epic Fight of Username Images

    Who's Hyde? I'll make you one once I figure out if you're talking about the guy from That 70's Show or not lol
  19. EviLCHiMP

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY FF|Skyrider, Grega

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAH HOMIES! I hope you guys have a wonderful day, I know Sky will ;)
  20. EviLCHiMP

    Epic Fight of Username Images

    roflmfao Nice!
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