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  1. G

    Andiod attacks and partners.

    I remember when I saw the new character screen and andriod 18 only had ki blast meele and generic beam. 1)I think she should either have a beam that shoots when you click instead of charging up. So it is starts like a death beam but still flies and hurts like a generic beam. 2) Either that or...
  2. G

    Esf Source?

    Will esf be a source mod? WIll the mouthes move? Will the ground be blow upable? What other options will there be? In any case WILL IT EVEN MAKE IT TO SOURCE :shocked:
  3. G


    The best suugjestionI cal think of is real damage. It could be for certain things like if u get hit with a sword than you will have a slash thats all. maybey if you get hit with a max beam you have black stuff all over you and certain characters could have there shirts blown of :shocked: ooo...
  4. G


    JUst asking is the advanced combo *Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A-Start*
  5. G

    U.S.A downloads

    anybody know were some American downloads are? I dont want to wait two hours so I can dowload from like Austria. :cry:
  6. G

    Cant not me trouble can be

    I just did a full destructive restore on my coomputer. and I dont esf and now there is an update for it but not the actuall game can someone help ? If you dont know a place can you just send it to my e-mail [email protected] . ty in advance.
  7. G

    Trunks punching problem

    I just wanted to see if anyone new how trunks would puch repetedly in esf 1.2 if he uses a sword? :confused:
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