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  1. C

    Mystic gohan

    Because doing anything else would make sense.
  2. C


    Its really stupid to complain about something like this anyway. Next thing we know, someone will be complaining that someone killed them while they're charging up. "Well cause it's suppose to be dramatic like in the show!!!" Honestly. Might as well complain that you're not invincible either.
  3. C


    People are saying that they can't hide in the maps but it's not really about that. There's always a proper time to do it. If you're on a sever with multiple people, dont even try it until the others are all engaged with each other. Then it's not really hiding, it's waiting till the others are...
  4. C

    Lindsay Lohan's Legality

    The other thing about this is that as soon as her child star carreer goes down the toilet. She's 18, so porn, here she comes. ;p
  5. C


    This isn't an ESF thing at all. I even got thrown out of a school lanparty once back in old school Quake 2 for finding a quad damage thing. They're all like "you Haxor." Then the teacher started telling people that I caused a whole row of computers to malfunction... idiots...
  6. C


    Why not? We've already established it wouldn't be the only option. Why do you care what the rest of us do as long as you get your copy of 1.2 through the means you want?
  7. C

    Fighting Multiple Opponents

    So is it possible for someone outside of 2 others fighting each other in 1.2 melee to say hit one of the fighters with 1.1 so that the character hit is knocked away or does that sphere thing make them invincible from anyone accept for themselves, of course.
  8. C

    Beta 1.2 Trailer

    Ya know what was so great about this trailer? It gave you the best impression it could of what 1.2 will be like. That should be the goal of all trailers and this one accomplished that.
  9. C


    I dont need anymore 1.2 pics though I kinda wish I could see past ones that were posted. Though not at the expense of a delay.
  10. C

    Beta 1.2 Trailer

    This is awsome. I cannot wait for the party saturday.
  11. C

    ESF on Half -Life Radio

    Dude May 8 will be a week after I get my new comp. That's awsome.
  12. C


    I've noticed the same thing. Hope you're right and it gets fixed, though.
  13. C

    Newell: "delaying the game to 2005"

    Leader of HL2 project. As in Gabe Newell of valve.
  14. C

    1.2 beams

    As to jump on the band wagon. I also see the X, though I don't think it exactly looks bad. If you looks carefully its like four seperate beams intersecting into one so it gives off the illusion that the beam is larger at the base. Except of course for the end.
  15. C

    Strongist Person

    Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I was in ESF chat. M'bad. lol
  16. C


    Alright, here's my crit. The legs aren't too long. They're too skinny at the bottom. Further more the guy is missing his crotch! It like the legs just begin at the waist which couldn't be further from the truth obviously. However, the rest looks good and if these parts were fixed then I...
  17. C


    Alright, here's my crit. The legs aren't too long. They're too skinny at the bottom. Further more the guy is missing his crotch! It like the legs just begin at the waist which couldn't be further from the truth obviously. However, the rest looks good and if these parts were fixed then I...
  18. C

    next transformations!!

    Well, personally I tried EVM for the trans graphics, which were cool, though I expect the ESF team to thoroughly bury these. A lot of the speed and blast radius stuff, were more just to give yourself the sense of more power. That is what transformation are all about.
  19. C

    Large inteam test-team vs. testers

    looking forward to the release even more. Thanks for the info!
  20. C

    Dawn of the Dead (read at own risk, spoilers)

    So would you rather they refilmed the movie to the letter? I mean this is totally different from RE. RE is a video game. The source material for the RE Movie was on a different medium so transfering it to the new media (a la film) required that the story be the same. (For n00bs to the series...
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