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  1. C

    you ever have one of those days where you just want to shoot yourself?

    Dude I think if I fall into a vomit bag I'd die on the spot thats just too discusting...
  2. C

    Cruzharo has returned!

    (PLZ MODS ADMINS OR WHATEVER LET US CATCH UP ON TEH OLD DAYS NOT JUST ABOUT ME..THX) Nice to know!Thx for updating my info of you lol! Well I have become a much BETTER GFX artist and if you wanna view my latest work check this out:
  3. C

    c&c generals(plz read if u own)

    lol 1 of the newest sure.... By the sound of your post you sound like one of those guys with no PC experiance... But I have to tell you I havent experiance any that...
  4. C

    Cruzharo has returned!

    OH YA THAT ME! Yeah but I can't get into that acount! If I log in I go to forums and makes a BOOM sound and closes IE? That sux but thx for remembering me!!!THX dude I remember you too! (lol the good old days with yo MAMA is so fat... lol rememvber?THAT HATE THREAD?lol)
  5. C

    you ever have one of those days where you just want to shoot yourself?

    Dudes sry to here that but it's kinda funny IMO lol I've had loads of these days and it sux I hate it I realy do but I have to admit my days is allot worse there is just not enough things that I can mention that is going wrong! I hate days like that... *gets gun*
  6. C

    bACK ON!

    Wot kind of name is that >_< Well I dunno that stuff...
  7. C

    attacking the afterimage

    Sounds ok up to the part I understand... lol
  8. C

    Cruzharo has returned!

    :laff: I am back every one!!It's Cruzharo!! O_O Ya I have been trying to get in here for months on end... So I desided to make a new USER acount hope you guys don't mind... SRY for my absence I realy tried to stay but everything went wrong this is my fav forum and everything it owns...
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