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    Left 4 Dead /zombie hand

    Multiple Login: -Origin Multiple login detected from -Origin. Other recognized logins for this user are:
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    Left 4 Dead /zombie hand

    Multiple login detected from -Origin. Other recognized logins for this user are:
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    Naruto: Naiteki Kensei

    I can´t :cry:, the computers placed here are like magnets.. Being dragged to them.
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    can't play

    Adv melee is not even fully completed in the open beta. Heck, it almost has entirely been removed.
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    general noob question

    You are using the latest version of ESF? (v1.2.3) and Steam as well?
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    How do you Create a server?

    Wasnt the tool for back in the 1.1 days? Heck, I can´t even remember. Anyway, we do need to be sure. Are you using both Steam and Half-Life 1?
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    Internet question

    Indeed, servers are cheap these days. And I think especially for Half-Life 1
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    Naruto: Naiteki Kensei

    Antiready? I am gone for a few days and still am on vacation in spain, and things are changing already :\
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    A New RPG!!

    Plus we´ll also affiliate with each other as far as I know.
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    Anyone want a free WoW trial?

    Then what is the point in the ¨free¨ trial part?
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    Internet question

    Truly, I haven´t seen any internet provider doing so. If you wish to have a better and faster upload rate, you most likely have to upgrade your whole package, which also enhances your download speed.
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    Forcepit MIA?

    I checked your access on the old forums, and it wasn't there. Thus, my question still stands. What took it away from you. >_>
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