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  1. E

    every time play dbz game in internet always got boot out of window ?? who can help me

    not me neither.. so i give up playing esf :cry:
  2. E

    every time play dbz game in internet always got boot out of window ?? who can help me

    i don't understand...;D can you write exactly what i need to type???
  3. E

    every time play dbz game in internet always got boot out of window ?? who can help me

    I neither understand to... how do I bind a key to 1.cfg????
  4. E

    every time play dbz game in internet always got boot out of window ?? who can help me

    starnge bacouse i just installed ESF and after 1 h playing on lan with my bro' it shuted down :cry: but know i re-installing it
  5. E

    every time play dbz game in internet always got boot out of window ?? who can help me

    i have the same problem too... when i join a server in the list at "Internet Games" the game shutts down and i comes to my desktop!!O_O this is wery enoying(spell ;D) can sombody help us with this problem???
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