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  1. V

    Struggle System - How do you think the 'ball' type attack struggles should work?

    You can also have a limit of 1 if the ball attack out at a time so you can’t spam it. If I’ve done a Big Bang attack, i can’t start a new one until the first one has blown up
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    Struggle System - How do you think the 'ball' type attack struggles should work?

    Alright, so .... just my 2 cents here. I honestly feel like having more variety in fighting styles is great and like the idea that ball attacks still allow the attacker to move (balancing it is the key). It is something completely different from beam attacks and makes it more viable. Beam...
  3. V

    The ESF Final is dead ?

    lol dude ... sorry you been waiting so long ... since april 2017? according to your join date lol. Some of us have been waiting for 13+ years. It's good to hear it's close to being done.
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    The ESF Final is dead ?

    Nice, are you saying you guys have all the models complete as well? Also, I was wondering if there was going to be an option to remove all the shaky camera business that is going on that I saw in the game-play videos.
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    Shinze vs Sailent

    sounds like someone is a sore loser lol
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    I believe he is asking for a recent picture of the Cell Games map in ESF Final. The picture shown of the final version right now is from 2013 he is saying, and he would like to see how it looks now/recently. Wants to see how the textures have improved and changed.
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    Wait, is this really haPpening or are you just trollin us? Please don't play with my heart
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    Best Forum Game

    whenever he is silent, or doesn't speak ... usually when he's not around. that's when i best like damaera :P
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    [Old PotW] POTW - 12/5/15

    im not really agreeing with anyone who was whining, im just pointing out what people were complaining about. and it's hard to see full gameplay when u dont know what attacks the person is controlling is doing. it was a good teaser video, but that's just what it was, it was a easter teaser...
  10. V

    Time to reflect: Release = Ascencion?

    there was a surge of DBZ fans that came here at one time wondering about the release, it was during this time we set a poll for release of Demo option. that surge of players because of a lot of advertising on different forums for ESF ... I actually had gone out of the way to find people...
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    Why don't you just release it?

    I actually thought this was pretty funny ... but I feel like Reptile is taking the wait a lot more emotionally than Demize, if you can have and make fun of the release date ... u will be in a much better place when it comes to ESF Final
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    [Old PotW] POTW - 12/5/15

    The REASON why you guys got flack was because the ENTIRE video had the egg as the controlled fighter .... It would've been cool to see how the fighting looked with characters vs characters (which we got eventually) ... but yeah, that is why you guys got flack, it is important to have context.
  13. V

    Kickstarter wasn't a option since the start?

    You can always start a Kick Starter for your company and your company can collect donations for your company. Your company can do what you wish with the money, but no one can say that the donations were for and exclusively for ESF Final. You can say the Kickstarter is raising funds so...
  14. V

    Help me remake a Scene From Dragon Ball Z in ESF!

    id recommend going into a server with people actually playing the ESF version you want to make your video in and then ask people in there if they want to participate. And also, there are some ECX mod's and stuff that have Andoird 16 in there ... might be worth ur while trying to get that model...
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    Special Forces!

    honestly ... a lot of people make mods n stuff afterward sooo i wouldnt worry about putting stress on the mainteam to do all the extra work .... other people will end up making it anyways.
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    earth special forces xash3d engine

    still cant stop ...
  17. V

    earth special forces xash3d engine

    i cant stop staring ....
  18. V

    Install and play open beta

    im thinking he means ESF Final.
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    Why is DC comcis being digusting?

    this is the best
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    Why is DC comcis being digusting?

    hmmm, why u only hating on Harley Quinn ... Deadshot is in on it too on that scene ... and also ... its the SUICIDE SQUAD ... the freakin BADDIES ... u dont think villains have sex with one another? It only makes more sense since they are baddies
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