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  1. D

    Transformation help

    um lol, Ok i tried it like this. I just did the power level command in intervals. Ya know like. First 6 mil then 8 then 10 then 15 and so forth. My bad for wasting yalls time but i got it to work. Thanx for the help <3
  2. D

    Transformation help

    give me a second. And ill do it.
  3. D

    Transformation help

    Yes sir, Ive still got Esf 1.2 in a seperate folder.
  4. D

    Transformation help

    Thats why im having a problem sunshine. Nothing happens when i try to ascend. Now i can go from ssj1 to normal back ssj1 but thats about it.
  5. D

    Transformation help

    And i like i said in my first post. It was all the way up in ssj1 form. All the way up as in *full* With a power level of 20 mil. Still no ssj2?
  6. D

    Transformation help

    Hiya, Havent been playing many games. But i came back and seen ESF was releasing open betas with new transformations so i was like "Yeaaaah" lol. anyway to the point. Ive tried everyone of the open beta files and for some reason i cant go past ssj1? I mean ill hit 20 mil in ssj1...
  7. D

    This is my farewell, and it may be for good.

    i dont even know u but i love you..
  8. D

    Power and darkness

    Like say ur the highest pl on the server i mean like really high and u start charging up a really big attack and the lights and stuff start to dim and when ya shoot it theres a flash of light then BOOM Like in the sayijan saga where goku shot the kamahameha and vegeta shot the galic...
  9. D


    Ok thnx but is there anyway i could watch it on winamp or sumthing of that nature?
  10. D


    I was wondering how to make a video while in game and watch it?
  11. D

    1.2 on won?

    I was wondering since im a nublet how do i install 1.2 on won?
  12. D

    esf 1.2 video

    No sir it isnt
  13. D

    esf 1.2 video

    I was wondering what the song was called on that video?
  14. D

    woa esf 1.2 leaked version?

    Its on but is this like an april fools joke or sumthing?
  15. D

    Gotenks ssj2 and ssj3

    I was wondering if these models were ever made
  16. D

    destorbale kami map?

    Um... i looked on esf world and i cant find it so could ya tell me where it is? :D
  17. D

    destorbale kami map?

    dendza is the creator of it and i was wondering if anyone ever downloaded it cuz he seems to have deleted it and the link doesnt work any help people?
  18. D

    Spirit bomb vs 5 kamehamehas

    Well im not really smart at this stuff but ill have a wack at no matter how stupid my post is. Maybe there video card was intergaded on there motherboard(built into it) and they might have had there settings to high or sumthing and the video card could have burned out and screwed up the...
  19. D


    how do i change models in the console im having a little problem with selecting my characters and i wanna see if it work better through console
  20. D

    g0han in kai suit me have

    Someone put the model on esf world and it has a sword on it but i dont think they got permission
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