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  1. A

    What was that song again?

    A few years ago there was a sneak preview vid of a new version of ESF i think it was young gohan that was flying around shooting stuff etc there was a rock mixed with beats song to it with no vocal singing just beats and a guitar i think it was anyone remember wich one i am talking...
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    Goku WIP

    hm dont forgett the blue tshirt that comes out of the back 2... hm i could´t find a good pic atm... so u see the back shirt where it is black.. i think u misst it... alot off ppl do in there goku... i dont se why... :O... ---- and...
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    TEEN GOHAN....SSJ2! OMG!!!!!

    look at the final versions fingers... aint them a bit long? >_>...? short them out about this much: -
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    Teen Gohan WIP

    sv, if esf team asked u to join the team as modeler would u do it or are u to bissy with zeq? i rilly think sum of the models needs a piff up... the model is nice :D... i wonder... the ssj2 gohan under ur sig links... do u use the skin from that one leter without cell shade? or do u remake it...
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    Teen Gohan WIP

    luv it just wub it i would rub it on my body if i could :p btw SP... just a question... would u concider selling ALL ur models? like if sum1 give u a few bucks like 30$ or more depends on how much u would want for i would u do it? concider the person just could convert them to whatever game...
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    Me skinning again (my second skin ever, Buu this time)

    well, ofc u have a good start, i bet u will get alot better when u have done about 10skins so keep it up m8, its looks like u took like a pic of buu and cut out the peaces and put it on the model?.... well anyway.. looks good for a secend try so keeep it up (=
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    anime name.

    yea thats it, thanks alot (=
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    anime name.

    lo lo.. i forgot the name of a good anime... it was like bardacksh , barabrian or something with B... smo made a model of him, he has a big sword and hes a murderer in the anime... something like bar.... =S... something like that... he has a huge sword as i said and kills ppl ;P // zion
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    new avantar/banner

    oh my bad ;p, but... not the vegeta one.. the other one ;IO
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    new avantar/banner

    well here it is: sasuke from naruto. the avantar: ' the banner: hm i know the font looks a lil weard but i could't find any one i really liked so ;P comments pz (= aint it a good improvment form my old? ;P edit: oh crap... just notice the avantar is 2 biig =( and here are...
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    new Vegeta WIP

    give us pics of all forms from: Side , back , front, abow :O gogo :P // wub zion
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    new Vegeta WIP

    did a fast draw over... the blue crap is just if u want to change. .... i used this pics as drawover:
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    some of the esf 1.2 models wer not realesed

    well, what about the new majin vegeta that was ment for 1.2? ;O
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    "Son Goku" Goku model for ESF 1.2

    i dont know if ppl notiec.. but isent the BLUE schirt sopose to show a bit in the back/neck? ;O reff pic (sorry for my bad english) // zion
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    "Son Goku" Goku model for ESF 1.2

    i dont know if ppl notiec.. but isent the BLUE schirt sopose to show a bit in the back/neck? ;O reff pic (sorry for my bad english) // zion
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    "Son Goku" Goku model for ESF 1.2

    isent the blue schirt sopoes to show a bit in the back? just asking /// zion
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    "Son Goku" Goku model for ESF 1.2

    isent the blue schirt sopoes to show a bit in the back? just asking /// zion
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    "Son Goku" Goku model for ESF 1.2

    well first the shoes... The line is messed and why does the line change color? hm... i am not sure if its that way in the series but just so u know (=' And the cloths.. why does it get ligther? ;O its not the cloths that gets ligther when he goes ssj its the aura that makes it ;O and for...
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    "Son Goku" Goku model for ESF 1.2

    well first the shoes... The line is messed and why does the line change color? hm... i am not sure if its that way in the series but just so u know (=' And the cloths.. why does it get ligther? ;O its not the cloths that gets ligther when he goes ssj its the aura that makes it ;O and for...
  20. A

    whats the best console WAD file and how to create them? read (=
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