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  1. V

    A question about Transformation and a suggest

    Hi!! I´ve a question.... How many transformations are for each char? What do i have to do to transform faster? Cause it´s too slowly, i mean yo have to spend a long time to be able to transf. And why don´t "mappers", people who make maps, doesn´t do a fully destroyable map and with people...
  2. V

    I can´t activate esf

    So do i´ve to change HL shortcut directory like in others beta? PLz tell me step by step what do i have to do. I have a spanish HL Thanks! :scared: :(
  3. V

    Impossible to customize?!

    What´s the problem?do i have to write: "D:\Sierra\Half Life\half\hl.exe -custom esf1.2"? Remind that i´d installed patch and esf... thanks! :cry:
  4. V

    Impossible to customize?!

    O_O :cry: i downloaded the patch...and installed, esf too, and the option "custom" doesn´t appear. What happend? D I have to change HL quick lunck, which is in the deskshop or desk? Sorry for my english! Plz, replay me as soon as possible!! Thanks!!!
  5. V

    I can´t activate esf

    Oh man..., i downloaded the patch...and installed, esf too, and the option "custom" doesn´t appear. What happend? D I have to change HL quick lunck, which is in the deskshop or desk? Sorry for my english! Plz, replay me as soon as possible!! Thanks!!!
  6. V

    I can´t activate esf

    :) Thanks to replay me again!! Well..., here go.... Which directory do I have to istall the patch? Do i need download ESF servers? is EVM incorporated or i have to download it? anyway will i transform in various transformations? I mean, if I´ve Vegeta from dgt, then i download...
  7. V

    I can´t activate esf

    what did you mean? Do i have to download the patch or latest and WHERE can i download it???? Thanks to replay me!! :)
  8. V

    I can´t activate esf

    What happend? I installed HL, then ESF, in HL directory, and....What do i have to do?! Chage the directories of the short in beta 1.1? How can i activate esf? I can´t activate esf cause doesn´t appear anything to activate it! What´s up? :cry: PLZ replayme as soon as possible!!
  9. V

    A question about the instaler!!!!

    ;( What happend? I installed HL, then ESF, in HL directory, and....What do i have to do?! Chage the directories of the short in beta 1.1? How can i activate esf? I can´t activate esf cause doesn´t appear anything to activate it! What´s up? :cry: PLZ replayme as soon as...
  10. V

    A question about the instaler!!!!

    Hi, I have HL blueshift and oposing forces. I coldn´t install it to opposing forces, but i could in blue shift, cause this had the folder named " hl.exe" i thik.. Any way...What i need to install and play the mod completly, i mean..., which patch,, for example?(this number isn´t...
  11. V

    Need some ideas people.

    HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! I Think u should increase number ob chars to choose, don´t you ? And make all chars from db, dbz and db gt. And a good history mode... I said. jejee
  12. V

    Hi,again, but i didn´t...

    Sorry i meant the up-date, not patch.
  13. V

    Hi,again, but i didn´t...

    It´s needed HL oficial version or it could be ok HL downloaded from internet? I mean, i downloaded hl from emule, put the patch..., but i was just able to play off-line, why? And what´s is EVM? I understood that´s somthing to be able to trans. 2leves more..., but the question...
  14. V

    Hi I´m new and..what I need for this?

    :laff: hiiii! How I said I´m new!! I need to know all!! I mean what i need to play ESF. Which half life, point releses, somthing to link with others players, EVM?, you know everithing. Waiting for yours replaies, Vegetal Thanks :smile: ;) PLZ replay ass soon as possible. Sorry...
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