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  1. S

    Ban This Wonid

    try and get his e-mail and IP, place it here, and mailbomb him to death!
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    Final Flash (yes, I'm bored)

    perhaps you can edit the explosion too! *imagines HUUUUUUGE mapnuker* mwoahahahahaha!
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    transformations, new characters, and krillin

    cooler perhaps? he has transformation, only 1 i know, but hey: it's better than nothing right?
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    Poll Of the Chars

    weird, when i play vegeta my FF totally kicks goku's goddamned wussy ass! buu is also painfull to play against, the goddamned ******* just won't die! trow a BBA, a FF, beat the **** out of him with melee, he just keeps on living!
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    ESF-Bots....I don't like them!

    i just played on best difficulty with 3 buu's and one cell.... football anyone?
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    Freeza's Beam Attack

    frieza really should get a beam attack idd, i dont care WHAT i'm called in a game, but i really miss ps-ing him.
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    Trunks speed

    a bit more speed might be usefull, but hey definatly need to give him a good beam attack so he can powerstruggle too.
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    New Attck

    frieza disc can become a really strong attack if you learn how to use it. just trow it a small distance, call it back, small distance, call back,.... noone will get the chance to get near you :)
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