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  1. B

    A new naruto fan :D

    ok thx guys u have been a lot of help :D
  2. B

    A new naruto fan :D

    thx guys and i have to ask one more thing. How many episodes of Naruto there even is? I just watched to the animesuki site and there was like episodes all the way to the 85. Isnt there more. Have they stopped developin it or are they just doing some more?? just askin :D
  3. B

    A new naruto fan :D

    I gotta say that i just heard of Naruto from my cousin and i like dl 1-19 episodes and i gotta say IM ****IN HOOKED UP :laff: this just rulezz . So i need to ask something. Do u guys know any good sites where to dl these episodes ( if it is legal that i think it is ) in good guality and i would...
  4. B

    Help when converting models

    Yeah i need some help cauz i use Milkshape 3d and i dont know how to convert or save the model as an mdl file. Is there any free or trial software to do this?? (sory for my bad english :laff: )
  5. B

    ESF on Steam (this is NOT a problem i have)

    Yeah it would be cool to esf have its updates trough Steam .... well atleast i would love it :D
  6. B

    A noob modeller needs help!

    now i need help again i found that LiteUnWrap but now i dont know how to do a skinmap :D as u can see i am a REAL NOOB in these things so could u tell me how to do them and do i need another program to crate them???
  7. B

    A noob modeller needs help!

    Ok i am usin Milkshape 3d for modeling and i need a program to skin my modelss but if Milkshape can do it please tell me how
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