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    all i can say is hurry up, or ill start biteing people :devgrin:
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    Is teleporting lame?

    Telaporting is not lame, it makes the fights more intense IMHO, but I have complained about telabombing, when someone charges up a shot telaports to a spot and blows themsefls up.
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    Idea For Ps.............

    I'd hate to see what would happen when thet thing went would easily cover most ESF maps.
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    Frezia Disk

    MY only real problem with that weapon is the fact that you can control it, atleast with Krillans DD you have to aim a bit. My question is this, if you had your way, would you keep it or trash it?
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    Water effects, minor thing to say about it

    Just to spread the word, I'm working on a Geo-Mod type thing, i'm not a mapper, so my maps that I test blow, but still, looks okay when you blast a spot on the ground and theres just a hole left, but it still needs lots of work.
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    Power Strugle fixed?

    Just a question, when a person or a beam hits another, iv seen that the beam tends to slide to one side, has this been fixed?
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    Breakable Ground Idea

    Not really, I just made a normal sized map, but if you look closely, you never touch the ground for some reason, but ill fix that later. My AIM is Azreail831. If anyonw wants to help, give me a PM.
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    Breakable Ground Idea

    Yup, like I said, unfinished, unpolished, and really, REALLY bad, but im not a mapper, its just an out-line type thing if the ESF guys took a look at it, i might get better at mapping I might not, but ya never know.O_O P.S. I think that WAD error is because my friend moved some, ill fix it...
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    Breakable Ground Idea

    I got it right, Hotmail acting up and wont send it, but i got an idea, ill run a server with that map on, it will be called BREAKABLE MAP, and the amount of people allowed in will be 1000, so i can bet you'll find me. P.S. if you know where i can simply host the map, id be happy to.
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    Breakable Ground Idea

    Spec, tell me where i can have it hosted, or liked or whatever and i will when im done, im also letting someone help he with this, i just sent him the map, its unfinished, and well, to put it nicely, sucks, but you get the idea
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    I belive in 1.1 when you transform/PS/BS, your now invrunable to attacks, but im not sure.
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    Breakable Ground Idea

    Thanks for the support Aries, and I got it to work in ESF, looks great when you blast the spot and BOOM, nothing but a hole remains, just hope I can get some more support. I'm now working on a bulding that you can blast, or better yet melee through, just getting the power set is hard, i need the...
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    New Beam Idea Realistic To Show!

    IMHO, I think you should beable to PS with any attack, just to back myself up, look at the secan in the Cap. Corps ship where Vegeta is training, hes almost hit by that purple blast and he fires his own shot to block, but he keeps his hands up and 'pushes' the other shot back, almost killing...
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    Breakable Ground Idea

    As some famous person once said....HOT DAMN!:D I got one problem fixed, now the next one is to get it to work in ESF.....any ideas?:? P.S. I got an idea on how you CAN melee people through thing, buldings or moutains, but that has yet to be tested.......but I'll let ya know soon enough!
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    Breakable Ground Idea

    Well like I said in another post I got it to work, better yet I made another map with 5 spots that you could break and then really left small holes in the ground, some shallow, some deep, in genral, my map looks like this: SIDE:_____________________ |...
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    Buu; copy attacks??

    Yes Buu can copy attacks, look at his use of the Kamakazie Ghost Attack, but he can't in game.
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    Breakable Ground Idea

    Still haveing the ESF problem, but I now have it so when you do X amount of damage to the floor, it goes away, boom exploads, and droops, now the next step is to get it to round off.
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    Breakable Ground Idea

    Mapper guy, I need help, I got it to work in HL, but when I try to play it, the fully complied file, in ESF, it wont workO_O, any ideas?:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
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    Breakable Ground Idea

    I'v been working on it for a bit, and I figured it out, one problem, I'm new to makeing maps, I'm a skinner, not a mapper, but I'm doing okay, should have it done in a few mins, just a basic outline so oyu mappers can do what I did to make better maps, so im 'testing' so ideas, manily with...
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    Breakable Ground Idea

    Okay, i messed up on the first attempt on typing this post, so i'll make this simple. in worldcraft, you can make a breakable entity. If you were to turn the ground into a layer of a big breakable entity. You could lay it out in a '3d' bullseye sorta thingy. example: {top view}...
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