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  1. M

    [RELEASED] ESF Open Beta #2 Installer

    there are 2 comments on this file on redsaiyan.. both indicating that something is wrong.. however i didn`t found any problems with installing it so i wonder if any of you guys did found problems with this installer.. thanx
  2. M

    [RELEASED] ESF Open Beta #2 Installer

    DOWNLOAD do i need to say more? report any bugs in here please. this version won`t have a update from the previous version because i need registry keys for that.. this installer sets those keys so the next version can have a installer. Have fun fragging.
  3. M


    building the final version of the installer right now (Full Installer!!) i can`t make a updater because in order to make a good update i need some registry keys... and in the previous installer i didn`t set them. They keys are set in the new installer. (with a new splash) if everything goos fine...
  4. M


    @Pcjoe perhaps it`s better to release a patch and a full version..
  5. M

    [RELEASED] ESF Open Beta #2 Installer

    as soon as i have the new version (should be here soon) i will make a new installer of it. if needed i will update the installer later on to fix bot issues.
  6. M

    Suggestion: Ascend/turbo while swooping (only if you have perfect trans pl)

    Hey, i was just thinking about this.. in the series (i believe future trunks somewhere near the cell games sage or android saga) trunks is trying to keep up with vegeta and leaves the ground swooping as normal... while swooping he transforms to ssj.. perhaps this could be in esf 1.3? What...
  7. M

    [RELEASED] ESF Open Beta #2 Installer

    sorry mog i didn`t fixed that. i just made a installer from the zip file and that`s it. with the next build i will look here first if there are any problems.
  8. M

    Confused :O

    for what i know of it the "hacked" 1.3 stuff wasn`t hacked at all but given to some persons that had force pit access. no hacking there.
  9. M

    [RELEASED] ESF Open Beta #2 Installer

    you don`t NEED to use it.. if you don`t want it than do it your way.. what you want is a installation that is made for the lazy men... even with AMXMODX.. this installer does the exact same thing as extracting the esf stuff in the half-life folder.. and it adds a start menu entry (and desktop...
  10. M

    [RELEASED] ESF Open Beta #2 Installer

    and it`s about 30mb smaller :) and i didn`t left out one thing!!!
  11. M

    "wall" smash bug

    Hey, sorry if this bug has been reported before.. oke i was just playing a bit on someones server and he (server creator) smashed me into the wall.. normally you wait a little and after a few seconds you can walk agan.. but that IDIOT was stading so close to me that i couldn`t do anything...
  12. M

    "wall" smash bug

    Hey, sorry if this bug has been reported before.. oke i was just playing a bit on someones server and he (server creator) smashed me into the wall.. normally you wait a little and after a few seconds you can walk agan.. but that IDIOT was stading so close to me that i couldn`t do anything...
  13. M

    [RELEASED] ESF Open Beta #2 Installer

    yes i do realize that :P but now that the NSIS script is done the new installer for the new beta build can be done within 15 minutes after i`ve downloaded the files. and that add another 30 minutes to upload it and add another 5 minutes till it`s in the database with screenshots and such... :)...
  14. M

    [RELEASED] ESF Open Beta #2 Installer

    for the screenshots: well.. i needed a list :P btw.. this is not just a "mirror" the file that you download is a installation file!! :D took me quite a while to get that installation script done..
  15. M

    [RELEASED] ESF Open Beta #2 Installer

    [Released] - esf Open Beta installation file. Hey, Do you want to have a easy to understand installer for esf? yes Do you want to download the file without having to wait? yes Do you want to see some screenshots of it before you download it? yes Do you want fast speeds? yes Did you liked...
  16. M


    ehm.. everyone seems to call it a beta but if you ask me that`s wrong :P since the final releases are bete this would be beta build? or just build? or revision? o well.. it`s not just beta since 1.3 is beta ;)
  17. M


    another "old folk" is back (me) it`s been a long while since a last played esf and now that the open beta is announced i actually want to play it again :) @SierraSonic, good to see your "back" aswell lets start redsaiyan up again ;) (that was a joke incase you didn`t noticed)
  18. M

    PROPOSAL - ESF Open Beta Distribution method

    i don`t want to be rude but nearly everyone is posting OFFTOPIC this topic is about my proposal or improvements in it... not about those free upload sites. so now a request to all: post ontopic or don`t post!! so ontopic now!! do you like the proposal? if not tell why so that the team can...
  19. M

    PROPOSAL - ESF Open Beta Distribution method

    hmm.. it sure looks like alot of people are only thinking in there own advantage!! let me repeat what i said earlier... programmers don`t want to put in alot of time to get packages out and running (i have experience with that so i know what i`m talking about) programmers just want to do a few...
  20. M

    PROPOSAL - ESF Open Beta Distribution method

    ehm.. to clear things up a bit from my previous post.. it`s not possible to use usenet as a seeder for torrents.. it would be awsome if it could because of the speeds. i was actually trying to say that the esf team could use usenet to distribute the latest builds and that third part sites could...
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