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  1. G


    hehe hawki rocks
  2. G

    esf-bot bug

    lol ok ok u win :devsmile:
  3. G

    I need some serius help... NOW

    hmm sorry cant help ya there
  4. G

    esf-bot bug

    like wierd
  5. G

    GOHAN - shield attack

    this is totally off topic but Nretep does not have the right to tell me to change my sig its too big... only the moderators can!!! ps: my other too account are GojetaBlaZe and VegetaBlaZe
  6. G

    ESF Textures

    how do you extract textures from compiled esf maps to use some of them in your own maps? like how DJ Ready has used esf_city textures in his s2k_great_tournaments map. Or where they new textures? hmm why would u want to?
  7. G

    class chating...

    i want a gotenks in the game like a poll in one of these forums it asks, cuz i love gotenks
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