what i think about it is that it takes too long too gather the dballs
cuz nobody helps and noobs keep trowing them away i know its hard to change that but it makes it a lot more fun when the wishes are some better cuz 1 is inmortality
2 is strength
3 is friendship
i wished 3 of them the...
lol u say some dudes complain about it when i enter a game and use the freezadisc then they all say im lame and thats true
nobody likes the atack i bet u never use freeza
cuz when u do they call u a noob
i think the mod makers must add a tournament mode with some 1 to 3 tournament maps it wil be fun for holding tournaments
1v1 the other people look and cant get in i think it would be very nice if the mod makers make it
maybe ya all think im crazy but it looks like fun vote pleas
ok some people say freeza is ugly
some people say hes too weak
some people say hes good
but when u use secondary finger laser or freeza disc its too good
then they call u lamer and it ruins the game
but the primary fingerlaser sux ass just like the deathball is wort **** too
i think the...
freeza is crying all day long nobody likes hes face hes transformations they all hate him
and now they hate his atacks too finger laser freeza disc if u use them they call u lamer so everybody thinks freeza sux even the deathball sux freeza is 1 big sucking guy not that the freeza disc is like...
the dragonball idea is good but when a lamer joins the game he grabs a dragonball and trows it out of the map
ok game ruined where all mad we kick him...
u have to change that cuz its not fun when lamers trow dragonballs out of the map
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