Select Vertices and move them in your side view so that it won't be a straight line in that view. But fix the backfaces first(black crap), select the faces and go to Vertex ---> Reverse Poly Order
I think..
Select Vertices and move them in your side view so that it won't be a straight line in that view. But fix the backfaces first(black crap), select the faces and go to Vertex ---> Reverse Poly Order
I think..
I searched for these things i noticed, so please dont yell at me if its been said before
I threw my friend into the water and he got stuck like this on the surface of the water and i had to kick him out on map gero
And heres me stuck also on map gero somehow.
Still in modeling stages, need to skin and add holes.
i couldnt really find any good refs.
and im not even sure if its the right shape
edit: its too thick
thats separate, not part of esf
read esf-world...
you read it wrong
it meant that after 1.2 is out and animations are available it will be made for 1.2 as a custom model.
dood im not associated with any naruto mod
but my aim is: Pokekil
ran d: RanDmodeler
i just posted it here since im lagging like hell and i cant post it
im skinning it
but the skinmaps are wrong
the triangles are stretched and if i scale it still wont be unstretched enough...
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