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  1. M


    I was wondering what people thought if a blocking system was introduced. If someone threw a kamehame at you, and they were weaker, wouldnt it make sense to be able to hit it to the side. I would LOVE that. Or/And add a sheild of energy that would take little time to charge, and would only...
  2. M

    Self Destruct

    I think it would be abused. UNLESS you made it. SLOW. Make it move so sluggish that anyone could get away. lets people could hide behind rocks and ****.
  3. M

    5 ideas + many lost brain cells

    oooo one more thing... ouch ... add Destro... Destroibl. Desatorible terran. I think all of u understand what my point was. thanks, MUST LEAVE THIS GOD FORSAKEN COMPUTER!
  4. M

    5 ideas + many lost brain cells

    First I'd like to introduce myself. I am C3P0, human cyborg. :) Well no not really, I do have a P4!!! if that counts :fight: . Here are my ideas, for this AWESOME game. TO make it AWESOMER (dont know if thats a word) 1- I would really REALLY like to see third even fourth... power balls...
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