Hi everyone i was just wondering whats Frizas new attack and how will it be used and what does it do???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :devgrin:
Hi everyone again i just want to know when will EVM be releasesed Is there any official or rough date set please tell us we al want to know :confused: O_o :] :) :tired:
Hi where did the name Earth Special Forces come from???
Did it come from the Saiyen saga in DBZ when goku krillin ect were reffired to as the Earth's Special Forces?????
Ive heard rumours spreading around that there is an addon for esf in development where u can transform to higher levels of power for example use kaioken ect if this is so how will it effect ESF??????
o_o And by the way ESF rulez it just naturally owns everything about it its the...
does anyone know what the fastes way to get power with Buu is cause i wanna be able to make him have power to transform fast so can anyone help???? :confused: :confused: :cry:
By the way i need a clan :cry:
I just want to know when u get the dragonballs together u get the 3 wishes i understand 2 of them but not the third i understand the immortal one and the one that gives u more power but what does the Friendship wish do??????? :confused:
Can someone please help me out with this!!!!!
Hi all im just wondering When does anyone think the next ESF version 1.2 Beta will be released?
And to all of you at the ESF team i just want to say ESF rulez youve done a real good job with this game its probarbly the best Mod for Counter-Strike Yet so well done guys!!!!!! :laff:
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