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  1. T

    After reinstalling HL and updated the game to

    After reinstalling HL and updated the game to the lasest version everytime, I go on a server in ESF it says Game is out of date when it is not help plz. Also i install Steam with a clean install, so i could play CS 1.6 though steam which is the only place you can play it so it also install HL in...
  2. T

    ESF Full Command/CVar List

    How do i get the god cheat to work offline also what do i put in Run in Start to start up esf with the cheat console, to come up so i can use these cheats offline. Ands i mean it i am only using, the god cheat offline.
  3. T

    When is Beta 1.2 out also when will a Full version be out

    When is Beta 1.2 out also when, will a Full version be out.
  4. T

    who's the best character

    I go for Gohan or Goku also they are at there best at SSJ also when i get to it also i like there Ki`s when, they are Not SSJ or SSJ. But i allways, use Goku. Also has anyone played me on my Server i am called TVR_Fan also, my Server is called TVR_Fan`s Game.
  5. T

    How do i stop my game from stoping&crashing&the Game is going back to the desk Top:(

    How do i stop my game from stoping and crashing and the Game is going back to the desktop, never and also telling me that it does not have a error. What i mean is it goes, to desktop with out telling me. Also when Press B in the capture the Dragon Ball mode when i have got all the dragon Ball`s...
  6. T

    Mine and your`s FPS!!!!!

    Mine and your`s FPS mine is 72FPS also i will sometime be upgrading to a GeForce FX5200 for £70 that, works on AGP 4X and 8X and i have a 4X Mother Board. Also sometime, i will get a 80GB or 120GB Hard Drive also when, i get the new hard drive i am put all my Half Life stuff and mods onto it...
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    Where can i download the ESF alpha help plz

    I just wanted to try it out when will, the 1.2 beta of esf be out plz help.
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    Where can i download the ESF alpha help plz

    Where can i download the ESF alpha help plz also, is it 1.1 or 1.0 or just called ESF alpha.
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    Piccolo's Transformation

    Krillens has a much more, dump transformation, when i did it i said hello popps or hi you old dad.
  10. T

    Where can i download new models for this game help plz

    Where can i download new models for this, game help plz also can you give me links to them.
  11. T

    I think there should be a story mode for online and offline

    I think there should be a story mode for online and offline, like online is you were on evil you have to face off against the good guys online in a stroy mode. Like stop the good guys before they get the dragon balls, and stop you over taking the gaxlay.
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    How do i add new dbz models into the game

    How do i add new dbz models into the, game and what do i have to do to load them up and to not crash my game.
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    How do i remove bots from my online game help

    I pressed . to kick bots out, and it did not work at all.
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    How do i remove bots from my online game help

    How do i remove bots from my online game help
  15. T

    How do i make my games into diffent mode`s

    How do i make my games into diffent mode`s, i mean like set up a game of Capture the dragon balls or the other modes.
  16. T

    Can someone tell me how i can transfrom in the game

    Can someone tell me how i can transfrom, in the game when you get to your transfrom and best transfrom.
  17. T

    get console

    None of them work also i have put, the following and they did not work: Does not show up:[img] help i want to add bots, thats why i want help plz thanx.
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