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  1. {Cx2}Orca

    <<RELEASE>> ssj2 gohan sound file

    the sound is cool, but the soundquality is not as good as it shall be :\
  2. {Cx2}Orca


    well you know maybe you got the leaked version of evm ? And just to say erm cloning someone else work is also ripping here isn't it, I remember some guys in the model section told that. And your second pic looks exsactly likethe ussj trans in evm.
  3. {Cx2}Orca


    well those feefects dont need any custom sprites, you can doo all that be the default esf and some coding.
  4. {Cx2}Orca


    Well he did it exsactly like I did it, First pic a partical effect from half-life I used in my old ssj3 asc and in the new one ( but there not that hard ) second one is gloweffect + the lightning wave I did, third one well i dont know, turbo + powerup ???I dont say he ripped it but he did it...
  5. {Cx2}Orca

    AMX powerlevel plugin??

    sry nope, If I would I think some guys are gonna kill me
  6. {Cx2}Orca

    AMX powerlevel plugin??

    senzubeans. well np : this lil baby will give you a senzubeanbag. Further questions np jsut ask. #include <amxmod> public g_sensu(id) { give_item(id,"item_sensubeanbag") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Sensu","0.1","Orca")...
  7. {Cx2}Orca

    AMX powerlevel plugin??

    Well EEA isn'`t the only one. EVM can do that too, and cause I really love you guys :devgrin: I'll give you a tip its done by offsets used by e.g. an metamod module/plugin. I wont tell you which offsets are the matching. In fact it means that someone who know how its done can change his pl...
  8. {Cx2}Orca

    EVM the ultimate add-on

    then sry my appologize to you but, erm whats doing a guys called Nuttzy on my Server ? someone out of my team, I think I definately know who leaked it, but no offense to you if I am wrong but I though you were maybe interested when somebody plays on my Server with your name :-\
  9. {Cx2}Orca

    EVM the ultimate add-on

    Well Nuttzy you know it right, y ? hmm maybe cause you deal with "ripped" versions of EVM ??? Just a guess ? hmm lemme see in my logs maybe I'm wrong.
  10. {Cx2}Orca

    EEA vs EVM?

    just to say something, @All please dont begin this "war" again, I dont want any EVM vs EEA.
  11. {Cx2}Orca


    the pl you see in the video is the pl of the camera man, :P
  12. {Cx2}Orca


    yup downlaod are very slow, erm pm I'll give you a Corona-Bytes Mirror, cause it can handly much more speed and traffic :D
  13. {Cx2}Orca

    EVM the ultimate add-on

    hm then you definately played a very old version :D
  14. {Cx2}Orca

    Looking for someone....

    thx but its the default esf vegeta with jsut a face reskin done by me and a body reskin done by Darkone :D
  15. {Cx2}Orca

    Vegeta WIP!

    good job :D
  16. {Cx2}Orca

    Looking for someone....

    I cant see any pic too even in your sig :\
  17. {Cx2}Orca

    Linux server

    Redhat in my oppinion cause it is the most compatible version to gameservers e.g. The Specialists, AVP2 etc. but thats just my oppinion.
  18. {Cx2}Orca

    EVM Server

    about the client_pack sure, but about the server site pack we're not sure yet, we have our reasons.
  19. {Cx2}Orca

    EVM Server

    erm the website: and you will be able to create your own, if you got the server site pack :D
  20. {Cx2}Orca


    jsut set the player gravity like you want and velocity and aimingvector, erm hope you understand what i'm talking about :D
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