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  1. S

    esf crash on xp

    I Re installed all hl, esf and EEA seems to run better than evm, I still have crashes, but less than with EVM. Now I can reach high level and also quit the game by myself 9 time / 10 .... it is fine. I stay on it cos I don't want to play with only 1 transformation. I have to close anti...
  2. S

    esf crash on xp

    You that eea or eva is bugged ?? So what's the interestor esf can't have more than 1 transformation. What's the problem with eea or evm ? There is a way to fix it ?
  3. S

    esf crash on xp

    I have half life ... I tried esfbeta1.1 installer and I tried esfbeta1.0 installer followed by esfbeta1.1 patch. Im in opengl And I have a password for my xp account (but I don't understand why its imortant :p ) For more information ...I also trid to install esf on steam, but...
  4. S

    esf crash on xp

    My esf already crash with error box on xp . I read all the topics you all were talking about, but nothing could change this for me. If I could say something else. I tried to install the game on an other computer but that's the same thing. EEA, EVM or ESF : crash of hl.exe . Did this could be a...
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