u can hid ur energy
if u dont use ki moves jump use torbo or something like that
anamy cant c u in scoter
(like in the show)
But to hid some of ur power
y that some1 wanna do it??
its kind of uslesss
I love to play Jedi Acedamy
in this game u r able to bind key to say something every time u hit the key
i will explain
lets say i wanna say hello every time i enter the server
i choos a key that i want lets say " ; "
i go to consol an i writh
" bind ; say Hello "
and then every time...
I love it
and think about it more
u can do trics with that
lets say i start to attack some1 with low speed
he thinks that im slow and suddenly i make myslef faster and then he will be soprise!!!
good thinking!!!! good idea
a weakness mybe but this make it usless
and beside
the weakness of the shield its lasers and disks
so what do u whant more?
cuz now i can shoot kame or ki blab and to explode it neer the shield and than he is myin without a fight
when i do gohan shiled and some1 wanna do kame on me he explode the gs neer the shiled and in that way the gs cant protect me
so i think that gohan shiled should protect u from explotion as well
what do u think??
K im sorry
what i was say that when u shoot beam u press on turbu befor u start to charge
and the galit gun looks lame with the aura of the turbu
so my suggust was that if u charge a galit gun and u press turbu befor u charge the galit gun
the aura will be invisible
in the esf alfa 2.0 the ps were lot better then the new ps
the beams where tuching each other and not moving to the sides just foword and beckword
so y not to put it back like that??
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