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  1. X

    SSj SSj2 SSj3 with goku

    "there is a sticky here where you can find the urls to the mods" what do u meen by sticky
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    SSj SSj2 SSj3 with goku

    i played on a server. there i played with gohan and i whent ssj then when i got 5mil in power i got to ssj2 and when i got 12mil power i transformde to mystic gohan and now i whant to know how i can make a server like that!!
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    ESF 1.2 Manual

    1.2 it is going to rock ;D i whant it, and is a new gohan model out ??
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    hehe oki thx but i just whanted to know becouse i havent seen any one to have more then 50 at most in action
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    Hi i juat whant to know if any one have 100 fps at ESF in a 5o5 game
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    Lo when is the new patch going to come out??
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    grand kai tournament (vote)

    When is the tournament I whant date and time :devgrin: :devsmile: :devgrin:
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    Admin mod

    Where can i find and how do i use it ?? plzz help me :devgrin: :devsmile: :devgrin:
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    grand kai tournament (vote)

    when is the tournament going too be off ? i whant to now what day and month O_o :cry: :devgrin: :devsmile: :devgrin:
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    grand kai tournament (vote)

    Round1: grOOvy vs Kamiya Round2: vegeta0111 vs ZacK248 Round3: mysticssjgoku4 vs xDarkHavenx Round4: Snow1586 vs Sano Round5: Xicer vs squanman Round6: Spectre vs Prozac Round7: [=TM=] Vegetto vs SSJ2GoGeTa Round8: Panther#1 vs MyStiX are squanman still in ...
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    grand kai tournament (vote)

    I'm still in but is it in tree weeks i'm in dont fore get about me :) :devgrin: :devsmile: :devgrin:
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    grand kai tournament (vote)

    I'l train til then :devgrin: :devsmile: :devgrin:
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    grand kai tournament (vote)

    Can any one send me a mail ore some thing with that time and IP :devgrin: :devsmile: :devgrin:
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    grand kai tournament (vote)

    I'm in Too And is it this Saturday ? what time ? :devgrin: :devsmile: :devgrin:
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    grand kai tournament (vote)

    So i'm not allowed too bee a super nameke ? ore ssj ? :devgrin: :devsmile: :devgrin:
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    grand kai tournament (vote)

    Xicer Dont forefait a challenge So count me in :devgrin: :devsmile: :devgrin:
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    grand kai tournament (vote)

    friday night is good for me too, but what time is it going too be in swe :D isnt it only one hour betwin england and sweden? :devgrin: :devsmile: :devgrin:
  18. X

    Grand Kai Tournament

    NO baddy messes with the *!"Xicer"!* the elite warrior i'l kick ass to the right and the left :laff: i hope :fight: :devgrin: :devsmile: :devgrin: sorry fore my spelling
  19. X

    Grand Kai Tournament

    i need too know what day and time :D :devsmile: :devgrin: :devsmile:
  20. X

    Grand Kai Tournament

    Can i play in the tournament too if it's still a trournament :devgrin: :devsmile: :devgrin:
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