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  1. shadowsaiyan17

    What song are you listening to right.... NOW!

    Linkin park: Dont stay
  2. shadowsaiyan17


    Has anyone seen this movie? It's been getting good ratings and stuff. I myself thought it looked good I just havent gotten around to going to see it yet. Maybe on friday or so
  3. shadowsaiyan17


    Who cares, there just sounds. Your acting as if they put gt characters in the game and changed there name or something. And just because the galick gun sounds was used in movie's doesnt mean a thing, just because the creators of dbz got lazy and put the sounds in more then one thing it's not...
  4. shadowsaiyan17

    Halflife 2 - and my comp :P

    The more ram the better, specially if it's ddr.
  5. shadowsaiyan17

    What song are you listening to right.... NOW!

    Linkin park: Nobody's listening
  6. shadowsaiyan17

    What song are you listening to right.... NOW!

    J-kwon:Welcome to the hood, and next Lil wayne:Bring it back
  7. shadowsaiyan17

    Which of These 2 Anime Games Are You Looking Foward Too The Most?!?

    Even though I think naruto 2 will be better, budokia 3 may actually have something goin for it from the gamepro vid I seen. Actually looks................well interesting now
  8. shadowsaiyan17

    What song are you listening to right.... NOW!

    Lil wayne: Bring it back
  9. shadowsaiyan17

    Rate the Signature Above You

    9/10 Very pretty sig there Striker, I like it.
  10. shadowsaiyan17

    good DBZ games...

    Lemmingball z is the best pc semi close dbz game, it has dbz elements but not dbz characters
  11. shadowsaiyan17

    What was/is your first job?

    I first job was at a local sonic fast food drive through, I made roughly around $7.45 an hour and plus tips, you got to love that with pullin your normal pay check and then all those tips. Each day I was pullin bout 50 in tips alone
  12. shadowsaiyan17

    What song are you listening to right.... NOW!

    Me to, and next in line is Linkin park: Breaking the habit
  13. shadowsaiyan17

    Which of These 2 Anime Games Are You Looking Foward Too The Most?!?

    Let the blunt truth be told, preach it Sakura. Naruto looks better, but sadly I only have an xbox, perhaps I shall go buy a ps2 later today
  14. shadowsaiyan17

    Can YOU Whistle?!

    Yeah I can, it's fun to whistle at people
  15. shadowsaiyan17

    WOW, this is so COOL!!!!!

    Man what more could you guys possibly do?
  16. shadowsaiyan17

    Real Names...

    Christophor Alan Collins, friends call me CC
  17. shadowsaiyan17


    How old was you guys when you started? I was 13 im 20 now
  18. shadowsaiyan17

    OUuu shi....T!! live action movie ...

    Doesnt sound good imo, but if it ever did come out I would probably go see it
  19. shadowsaiyan17

    Spider-Man 2

    Yeah I seen my webs stay where they where for a few minutes just like in the show. You can see it sway in the wind. Theres these things called skyscraper coins I dont really know what they are for but who cares, theres all kinds of things to find, i've found hidden hide outs with thugs and stuff...
  20. shadowsaiyan17

    Samurai or Ninja

    Haha its a mushroom indeed thats stupid to censor that out =(. I wish I was a kid again, and whats so hard to believe about? Alot of people do martial arts, your acting as if its a forbidden thing
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