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  1. Numenor

    Exploit or Tactic

    thanks for the support :-) I knew i was right, i just hope SALAD ( who was playing as Buu at the time ) reads this and feels as stupid as he surely is. Victory smells sweet
  2. Numenor

    Exploit or Tactic

    Would be nice if there was a stick of genrally accepted tactics and exploits, then n00bs would have some where to check and pros could point to um and say "nah im just betta than yaz ;-)"
  3. Numenor

    Exploit or Tactic

    Hi all, long time player and forum lurker here.. I just been playing open beta and have been accused of using exploits because I was hitting twice in a row using swoop. I.E. Swoop-hit...Swoop-hit now as far as im consernd this has been a basic mele tactic for as long as ive played, it...
  4. Numenor

    Esf clans

  5. Numenor

    How to spot scripters?

    I never said that all players who can turbo+Power up are scripting, I said It was one of many possible scripts, dont start just randomly calling people a n00b when you havent even fought them. Again im not saying im better than u, I dont know, I aint fought u. Just stop being so aggresive and...
  6. Numenor

    How to spot scripters?

    I suspect a lot more people script than than they care to admit. I sometimes get accused of cheating too, but only by n00bs. the kind of things that give u an advantage are 1 button swooping, powerup+turbo, block scripts... the list goes on. So there aint a way to log key strokes on a server...
  7. Numenor

    How to spot scripters?

    I have recently started suspecting many esf players and clan players of scripting. I would love to be able to do my own research and find out just how many are abusing the game in this way. I know I can allways use spectate to analyise their technique, see if they are powering up and going turbo...
  8. Numenor


    Well, im glad some1 aggrees with me, thank u draylock1!! and let me clear things up by saying its not the "im safe in a team" aspect that i like about teamplay, I just more often than not have better skilled fights with 1 person in a team game ( without getting beamed in the back from half way...
  9. Numenor


    ok, maybe I was a bit out of line with the whole, N00bs shouldnt get to trans, and I definalty want the community to grown and I want noobs to have a place in that community. But I think my first two points stand as valid though. Whats up with the esf world servers, it says teamplay in their...
  10. Numenor


    How come there seem to be less and less servers and players using the teamplay. FFA and CTB sux and tis only in teamplay that u can get some deacent 1v1 duleling without getting spc'd in the back by some noob cell. Also the servers are sticking on one map for FAR to long. I join I room and I see...
  11. Numenor

    Fast Combo??

    well im glad im not the only one getting my ass kicked by this exploit! sux dont it ! solidarity brothers for in 1.3 these exploits will be a thing of the past ( we will have a bunch a new ones to whine about )
  12. Numenor

    Angle/turbo Training

    my mouse sensitivity is currently at 18 but with angleing, is it a quick "curl" at the end of a dash to hit the side? or do you dash sidways at the last min?
  13. Numenor

    Angle/turbo Training

    Would anyone be willing to give me some advice or maybe a training session on angling ? i feel that angling and fighting with turbo are the two main areas that are holding be back from being "Clan good" I understand the principle of angling ( hitting them on the side so as not to get a head on )...
  14. Numenor

    Fast Combo??

    Did you not read my post properly ? I said I was not a n00b and did definalty defend correctly his adv melle combo DarkTrunks, I think what u are describing is what he did, very anoying, it might have been lagg but from the way he responded " Hay I blocked that! -me" "Like I care ha ha!"...
  15. Numenor

    Fast Combo??

    Was just fighting this guy and twice, he used one of the secret combos on me, and I swear I completed the defence fine, but both times the combo landed anyway ? is this ANOTHER exploit ? i think I remember hearing something about fast combo'ing but im not sure. BTW im no noob and Im SURE i did...
  16. Numenor

    Scripts? What the hell?

    let me start by saying, I dont use um, dont have um, dont even really know what they do. What they do is what I wanna know , i also here that its messing up the legue cos their being used illigally. Please dont close this thread, i just wanna know what people are doing behind my back
  17. Numenor

    Character AddOn packs

    So many suggestions for extra characters, it would be great if extra chacters could be released by the esf team as packs to install ontop of the esf install. Like expansion packs or whatever. I know they are prob to busy to do this and I thought about suggesting that they would be comunity made...
  18. Numenor


    Ture, DaRkOwNs but every time you chain swoop you use a chunk more ki unlike turning.... BTW Ness yea anytime you see me, would love some tips, I feal like im on the verge of good ( good enough for a rubbish clan maybe ) just a few more techs to master, and maybe I should get over my Vegita...
  19. Numenor


    im glad people know enough about this tech to offer some advice, cos im not that bad ast esf, but sometimes I come up against a player who ownz me hard. No matter how fast I move, I allways get basic'ed while swooping, very frustrating.
  20. Numenor

    Beam Sprites

    Thats a fantastic suggestion, I might add to it by saying that more powerful attacks or depending on your PL, the staring flaring coming from your hands would get bigger and bigger. So huge final flash attacks would have a big flame area at the base! would be really cool to see more visual...
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