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  1. K

    energy beam suggestion

    this idea is old like from 2004 old been suggested before many a times maybe search forums next time. even by me, still good idea i belive if it was to be iplimented it would be based on p/l to determine your resistance to the attack, eg if you were weak you would just explode. and the damage...
  2. K

    integrating kiblasts/beams into melee combos

    you seem a bit defencive about your idea, i mean only people have actually replyed and you shot them both down, i mean its called MELE which is hand to hand in this game not ki blasts and beams, what would be the point? you can do ki attacks anytime you want, before or after mele and you CAN aim...
  3. K

    powering up SB

    but why was all his energy drained? he went out of super ssj from pushing?and it got bigger too.
  4. K

    powering up SB

    oh yeah sorry about that im trying to get it "out there" so to speak, since id did just comment on someone elses bad grammer lol...........
  5. K


    oh it was an example, also you managed to post that sentace without many mistakes why not the other times? i mean clearly you can post normaly
  6. K

    powering up SB

    doh! actually ssj is suspose to be an "evil form" so thats why you can use SB with it WHICH I KNOW, i said THEN he goes ssj and powers it up. He creates it, launches it in normal form then goes ssj and gives it all his power "like when the people of the world give there power to the sb etc"...
  7. K

    powering up SB

    ive seen in the show and other games where goku fires a SB and then goes ssj and powers it up, is there are way to impliment this into esf? it would be cool for struggles and all, like you could only do it when you have obtained perfect transformation and once you finish powering up the SB you...
  8. K


    ciborg broli you really need to use the search button, most if not all of your suggestions have beens said or havent been said because they arent all that well......good and dear god learn to spell, i couldnt understand some of your suggestions please think before you post, not flaming here...
  9. K

    cool thing for 1.3

    1) thread name 2) learn how to spell and construct a proper sentance. wtf?!!? from what i could understand you want the auras of transed players to be all big and badass with lighting and all when they clash and fight, meh they might put it in but its not all that important compared...
  10. K


    Christ! why would you have a huge ki cost? they can defiy gravity with no effort so im sure doing a wee somersault wouldnt do diddly squat to there ki, i mean the jumping and flying ki drain now is to much for me personaly, those are very very basic things that most dbz characters do all the...
  11. K

    A few new character ideas

    well first off no movie characters, and zarbon was hardly a main character, 18s the only likely possiblity
  12. K

    where do you put the ports

    right i have a router and it states on the steam website If you're sure that your 'Net connectivity is functioning but you are still unable to log in to Steam, it may be because the required ports are blocked by a device on your network (such as a router). The following ports must be...
  13. K

    Basic ki attacks while swooping

    as i said it should only be ki blasts and generic balls, plus i cant imagin controling a beam while swooping and you would run out of ki real fast
  14. K


    yep this has been suggested many a times
  15. K

    Basic ki attacks while swooping

    i dont honestly know if this has been said but bah, id love to be able to do basic ki attacks while swooping, since its not restricted to mele now swooping is used much more often even when just moving about the map, so i thought it would be good if you coulds use ki blasts and generic balls...
  16. K

    about that teleport after image....

    i spose two buttons might get anoying but im sure it wouldnt take long to adapt, one other thing to add to my suggestion, keeping with the theme of things maybe make after image even more like a special move, like make the after image last somewhere from 5-15 secs or even make it perminate...
  17. K

    about that teleport after image....

    i havent posted for ages so sorry if this has beens said. i understand the purpose of the new teleports animations, to fool people and what not but the teleport is a quick burst of speed so it makes more sense to use that blurry lines effect thingy as apposed to the after image effect which is...
  18. K

    1.2 or future version melee system

    right.... well of course they dont have a "clue" if they did they wouldnt post suggestions for it, think about it. If they knew what mele 1.2 was going to be about they wouldnt post because there idea wouldnt mean piss to an already selected idea, BUT because they dont have a "clue" they post...
  19. K

    anger management :p

    no i didnt miss any point thats if you had one, this is a sugestion forum for a DBZ mod, so your "real life "examples must have some realtion to it, that or you like to talk about irrelivant stuff and also havent you heard that story of a boy trapped under a car and the mother lifts it of him...
  20. K

    generic beams, how bout generic balls

    actually most of the time uncontrolable ki blast are WAY stronger than beams, spirt bomb the most powerful, big band attack is way strong to so is the death ball, the thing freeza used to destroy A PLANET the reason for them being so strong is that they are hit and RUNNNN, if it were a beam you...
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