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    playing demo's

    what file do i need to play a demo? or how do i play a demo?
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    Wuts ur ESF name?

    look at my forum name! :)
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    Countdown poll to ESF

    baby? where! woohooooooo 1 more day' edit: almost anyway...
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    Which features are you looking forward to?

    EVERYTHING! melee is most wanted though :)
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    1.2 Release timezone

    same here man... i thought this week was going to be so long, but it was actually pretty short, its friday! may 7th! nevermind, its not may 7th, god i been messin my timing up cause i always stay up past 12 an i mixed up the date... time is flyin by this week.... last week, it seemed like...
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    all of my expieriences with torrents are ... so pitiful i dont even wana talk about it.. dont release ESF 1.2 ONLY bit torrents! they MIGHT make 1 or 2 for you guys, but they better release it to,, i think blueyonder is tha best, i get my max speeds...
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    N00b or Pro

    what if i can beat n00bs up like nothin but have a rough time killing pros? what am i then?
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    Mouse sensitivity?

    whoa.. 90? 100? when i tryed 50 cause someone told me thats what they used, when i mush my optical mouse a LITTTTLLE TINY BIT to the left, i would spin around 3 times or so.. i use, 6-12 i think right now,
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    i've gotten through this before, but i forgot how.. i couldnt search the topic cause i hate this search system! (an it didnt work anyway).. whever i start my map it shows "memory could not be "writin" " with some error code before that.. whenever i try to compile my map with RAD and VIS...
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    ESF on Steam (this is NOT a problem i have)

    Make up your mind's devs, this isnt for ever.. please tell us if you will. im sure alot of people would love to see ESF officially on Steam, and a Official mod.. ESF is so good, its better then DMC, Ricochet, TFC, combined.. my opinion is that its better then all the current official mods on...
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    ESF on Steam (this is NOT a problem i have)

    ok, if you guys goto you will see that they're accepting mods to put on steam, that being from the "games list" insted of "addon games". this could make the game have lots more players.. think about this ESF Dev's OH and you better hurry up an email them with a link to...
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